These findings suggest that the low level certificates are providing a way into education for students for whom school is not meeting their needs in some way. Females, Asian and European students and students from high decile schools are all proportionally over-represented in this cohort. He Whakaaro: How participation in early learning is affected by COVID-19, How does New Zealand's education system compare? Students who enter bachelor level study with lower level qualifications are often from high decile schools, mainly European or Asian and / or female students. In this cohort of students there is a group which is going into bachelor level study probably through discretionary entrance and certificate of university practice programmes. Don’t have an account? Be the first to ask a question about Why Don't Students Like School? The 2nd edition builds on Oxford Discover's tried and tested methodology, developing 21st Century Skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity to prepare students for future success at primary school and beyond. See Log below for detail. Only a small proportion of students chose to study at certificate level (13 percent of 2005 cohort)– Pasifika and MÄori students, or students from lower decile schools are more proportionally likely to study at certificate level. rffang. Dr. Cornell Gates, a former ... students like me? (Jossey-Bass) and When Can You Trust the Experts? Mobiles & Electronics. This group is also the most variable in transition rates, with MÄori and male students and students from 1-3 and 4-7 decile schools less likely to engage in tertiary education directly after leaving school. The third group, containing about 55 percent of the students each year, contains all of the students with Level 1 and Level 2 qualifications as well as partial qualifications from Levels 1, 2 and 3. Similarly, many MÄori and Pasifika students' activity prior to tertiary education was unemployment or a beneficiary. An expanded discussion of victimization focuses on victims of crime and presents key concepts in victimology. Students who come to tertiary education directly from school have higher completion rates, lower attrition rates and are more likely to go onto higher levels of study than other cohorts of students. Family & community: Partners in change, Developing Mathematical Inquiry Communities, Disciplined innovation for equity & excellence in education: Learning from MÄori & Pasifika change expertise, Post-school labour-market outcomes of school based NCEA. Building Social Competencies for Accelerated Improvement, 4. Within school leaver attainment groups MÄori and Pasifika students have similar transition rates to other students in their attainment group. Under half (47 percent of 2005 school leavers) of the students who leave school with some attainment at Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 transition directly to tertiary education (Figure 3). About 68 percent of students studying for certificates are studying at NQF Levels 1-3, equivalent to the attainment the students gained at school. from Duke University in 1983 and his Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from Harvard University in 1990. Of these school leavers, 43 percent (3,159 students) left school and chose to continue their education in tertiary institutions. Most of the students who attain University Entrance or a Level 3 qualification and went directly to tertiary education chose bachelor-level qualifications (81 percent of 2005 cohort). Outcomes of the New Zealand tertiary education system: A synthesis of the evidence. This dichotomy can be dangerous, as both are also important. * During this period NCEA (National Certificate of Educational Achievement) was introduced, with NCEA Level 1 becoming available in 2002, NCEA Level 2 in 2003 and NCEA Level 3 in 2004. Students who leave school with University Entrance or a Level 3 are school leavers who attained University Entrance or a Level 3 qualification (or higher) on the National Qualifications Framework (or equivalent). Refresh and try again. The dichotomy between elementary education and secondary education has gradually become less marked, not only in curricula but also in organization. Cars & Property. Solutions of Reinforcement Learning 2nd Edition (Original Book by Richard S. Sutton,Andrew G. Barto) Chapter 12 Updated. Book Lists & Recommendations by Age … The purpose of this document is to report on recent trends in school leavers' transition between school and tertiary education. In this work, he sifts through the sense and nonsense of education principles and applies cognitive principles to see if they are valid. MÄ te huruhuru ka rere te manu: how can language & literacy be optimised for MÄori learner success? While I understood the analogy, it was not a novel concept. Why don’t students like school? I absolutely loved this book. Although previous research has shown that geographic availability of tertiary education impacts on the distances students travel to study, its impact on likelihood to study at the tertiary level is unclear and warrants further investigation. MÄori and Pasifika, and male students are more likely to leave school with this intermediate school leaver attainment.
In 2005, students from Auckland and Gisborne had highest rates of direct transition to tertiary education after schooling. Advanced High School Statistics - 2nd Edition. (2010). To be perfectly frank, I expected this to be dry and not entirely relevant to my work as an academic instruction librarian, but I was wrong on both counts. Ussher, S. (2006). Daniel Willingham earned his B.A. ICCS: What do New Zealand students understand about civic knowledge & citizenship? As a novice teacher, reading this book has been cathartic for me in many ways. The rates of direct enrolment in tertiary education have increased for all ethnicities (Figure 6). As of yet, there is not as much of an emphasis on understanding cognitive science. "), and then attempts to answer each question. In 2005 there were 7,409 school leavers who had little or no formal attainment. Furthermore, the evidence shows that enrolment and completion of tertiary qualification leads to improved outcomes for individuals. For students who take a break, most are in employment during the period between school and tertiary education. ... (2018). The increases for MÄori, Pasifika and Asian students were higher than for European students. Assessment Psychology Online All about psychological assessment, testing, and practice management ... AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scales-School, Second Edition (ABS-S-2)(1992) ... Second Edition (AAMR ABS-RC:2) MHS 18 years to adult Adaptive Behavior Inventory for Children (ABIC)(1982) Psychological … a survey to summarize and interpret how much they like (or dislike) the course. This book reminded me a bit of Outliers; the author actually cites some of the same studies, and makes some similar points. If you have any questions about education data then please contact us at:
David Diez, OpenIntro. It contains students who can only participate in Level 1-3 certificate study, since they do not have entry qualifications for higher level study and students who just missed University Entrance requirements, some of whom may be studying at bachelor level with provisional entry. Find My Rep; Careers; Log in; Contact; My account ... (the National Centre for Social Research) this textbook leads students and researchers through the entire process of qualitative research from beginning to end - moving through design, sampling, data collection, analysis and reporting. Regardless of whether you teach in a well-resourced private school or … Sell. So, during a sabbatical a few years ago, I wrote my own textbook. Phone Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 1-800-933-ASCD (2723) Address 1703 North Beauregard St. Alexandria, VA 22311-1714 Instead the organization further confirms the data-centric perspective of this text by focusing for the most part on the type of data that the student has and what … The criteria for each lesson's inclusion in the book is that the principle should be "fundamental to the mind's operation" -- they don't change with circumstances, age or socio-economic status; other criteria are that applying the principle has a significant impact, there is a large amount of research to back it up, and i. Students need to stay at school to ensure better readiness for tertiary education: students that historically have not been well served at school level have subsequently struggled to complete tertiary level. The criteria for each lesson's inclusion in the book is that the principle should be "fundamental to the mind's operation" -- they don't change with circumstances, age or socio-economic status; other criteria are that applying the principle has a significant impact, there is a large amount of research to back it up, and it should suggest novel teaching techniques. Human resource issues in education: A literature review, National trends in the ICTPD School Clusters Programme 2003-2005, National trends in the ICTPD School Clusters Programme 2004-2006, National trends in teacher participation in ICTPD Clusters Programmes 1999-2006, ICTPD through three lenses: An Evaluation of the ICTPD School Clusters Programme 2001-2003, ICTPD through three lenses: An Evaluation of the ICTPD School Clusters Programme 2001-2003: Supplement, Implementation of the Career Information & Guidance Policy in Schools: 1998 Follow-up Study, Improving english language outcomes for students receiving ESOL services in NZ Schools, Incredible Years-Teacher Evaluation Summary, Incredible Years-Teacher NZCER Evaluation Report 3, Incredible Years-Teacher NZCER Evaluation Report 2, Incredible Years-Teacher NZCER Evaluation Report 1, Employment Based Initial Teacher Education Literature Reviews, Evaluation of exemplary post-graduate initial teacher education programmes, Exemplary features & early outcomes: Second Interim Report, Dispositions to teach: Review & synthesis of current components & applications, & evidence of impact, Initial Teacher Education: A summary of four studies, Initial Teacher Education: Policy & practice, Initial Teacher Education Outcomes: Standards for graduating teachers, Preliminary insights on Employment based initial teacher education in MÄori-medium, Research on Initial Teacher Education in NZ 1993-2004, Review of evidence: Features of effective Associate Teachers in programmes of initial teacher education, Review of evidence: Features of effective Associate Teachers in programmes of initial teacher education (Summary Report), Insights for Teachers: A profile of teachers who teach Year 7-10 students & their principals, Insights for Teachers: How teachers & principals of Year 7-10 students use their time, PISA 2012: Insights for Teachers: New Zealand student self-belief & confidence, & implications for achievement, Instructed second language acquisition: A literature review, Intercultural communicative language teaching: Implications for effective teaching & learning, Ki te AotÅ«roa: Improving inservice teacher educator learning & practice, Learning from the Quality Teaching Research & Development Programme (QTR&D), Learning more about support staff in schools, Literacy Professional Development Project: Identifying effective teaching & professional development practices for enhanced student learning, Making a difference in the classroom: Effective teaching practice in low decile, multicultural schools, Massey University Early Literacy Research Project, National Education Findings of Assess to Learn (AtoL) Report, Paraprofessional practice in ESOL programmes: Part 1, Paraprofessional practice in ESOL programmes: Part 2, PISA 2012: Series on the Learning Environment Volume II: Delivery of Maths, Raising MÄori students' achievement in Te Taitokerau, Recruitment & retention in New Zealand secondary schools, Report on secondary teacher workload study, Review of secondary school's use of NCEA professional development resources 2005-06, Review of the Specialist Classroom Teacher Pilot Full Report (2006), Review of the Specialist Classroom Teacher Pilot Summary Report (2006), School support staff: Collectively making resources count, Shifting the Focus: Achievement information for professional learning: Summary, Identifying Teacher Status, Its Impact & Recent Teacher Status Initiatives, Perceptions of teachers & teaching: A focus on ECE, Strategic Research Initiative Literature Review: Enterprised-based education & training, Supporting future-oriented learning & teaching: An NZ perspective, Te Reo MÄori in the Mainstream Professional Development (PD) Pilot Programmes for primary school teachers: An evaluation, Teaching, School & Principal Leadership Practices Survey 2018, Teachers' experiences in curriculum implementation: General curriculum, the arts, & health & physical education, Teaching & learning in middle schooling: A review of the literature, Teaching of international languages in NZ schools in years 7 & 8, The education of Years 7 to 10 students: Full Report, The education of Years 7 to 10 students: Summary Report, The effects of curricula & assessment on pedagogical approaches & on educational outcomes, The sustainability of professional development in literacy: Part 1, The sustainability of professional development in literacy: Part 2, Using e-Learning to build workforce capability: A review of activities, Evaluation of the Flaxmere Project: When families learn the language of school, Evaluation of the Home-School Partnership: Literacy Programme, Final report for the evaluation of the Parent Mentoring Project in Manukau, National Standards: Survey of parents & whÄnau 2011, Parents, families & whÄnau & their information needs, Pacific Islands School Community Parent Liaison Project Case Study, The impact of family & community resources on student outcomes, Whanau Toko I Te Ora: A Parenting Skills Programme, A census of providers of ESOL Programmes for international students, A study of studentsâ transition from primary to secondary schooling, Alternative education: Literature review & report on key informants' experiences, Bilingual education in Aotearoa | New Zealand, Easing the transition from primary to secondary schooling, Evaluation of Partnership Schools | Kura Hourua Policy, Export education in New Zealand: A strategic approach to developing the sector: An overview, How much difference does it make? ... Willingham, D.T. This is what the first revised school edition student textbooks look like. Each year around 80 percent of those school leavers who go directly to certificate level tertiary courses study at levels similar to those offered in schools (National Qualifications Framework Level 1-3). to concerns that emphasized the teaching task (Are there sufficient … Rest assured that Daniel Willingham is hardly scribbling out some angry screed. The company is now working with the Atal Innovation Mission to grow this further. Or equivalent attainment in a qualification not on the NQF. He recommends that teachers continue looking at each other's (and their own) teaching much in the same way clinical psychologists continue to study themselves with clients for 10 or more years. Auckland (18 percentage points), the West Coast (17 percentage points) and Gisborne (16 percentage points) had the largest growth over this period, whereas Southland, Otago, Nelson/Tasman/Marlborough, Taranaki and Wellington had small changes. Like their peers who go directly to tertiary education from school, these students typically choose certificate level courses. The structure of relationships between language-related factors, achievement-related beliefs, gender & beginning... Teachers' experiences in curriculum implementation: General curriculum, mathematics & technology, Teachers' experiences in curriculum implementation: English, languages, science & social studies, 'Walking the talk' matters in the use of evidence for transformative education. A fish can't seem to digest fats. It's good. His responses are straightforward and backed up with a huge body of research and, ultimately, common sense. Willingham has a talent (or is it "intelligence"?...looking at you, Gardner) for distilling cognitive principles from the research. In the last ten years the proportion of school leavers going directly to tertiary education has increased dramatically, much of this growth is due to increases in enrolments in lower level certificate qualifications. Non-Fiction. Since learning is an active process and must be done through painstaking focus, most teachers stop learning how to be better teachers after three to five years. Deep Change: Applied post-graduate study, 7. Creating digital age learners through school ICT projects: Critical success factors for effective use of e-learning with MÄori learners, Critical success factors for effective use of e-learning by Pacific learners, Critical success factors & effective pedagogy for e-learning in tertiary education, e-learning & implications for New Zealand schools: A literature review, Equitable digital access to the internet beyond school: A literature review, Evaluation of Kaupapa Ara Whakawhiti MÄtauranga (KAWM), Evaluations of student facing web-based services, Final integrated report (Nielsen/NetRatings), Evaluation of the Manaiakalani Digital Teaching Academy, Evaluation of Digitally Boosted Study Support Centres, Evaluation of Project FarNet Learning Communities in the Far North, Literature review for the evaluation of the Digital Opportunities Projects, A Summary of the key findings of the Digital Opportunities Pilot Projects, Global picture, local lessons: e-learning policy & accessibility, Laptops for teachers: An evaluation of the TELA scheme in schools (Years 4 to 6), Laptops for Teachers: An evaluation of the TELA scheme in schools (Years 1 to 3), Laptops for teachers: An evaluation of the TELA scheme in Otago schools, Laptops for teachers: An evaluation of the TELA scheme in Auckland schools, Literacy teaching & learning in e-Learning contexts, Measuring the worth of e-Learner support systems, National Education Network Trial Extension, Outcomes for teachers & students in the ICTPD School Clusters Programme 2006-2008, Outcomes for teachers & students in the ICTPD School Clusters Programme 2005-2007: A national overview, TELA: Laptops for Teachers Evaluation: Final Report Years 7 & 8, TELA: Laptops for Teachers Evaluation: Final Report Years 9-13, Towards digital enablement: A literature review, ICCS: NZ students' intentions towards participation in the democratic processes, TIMSS 1994: Performance assessment in TIMSS: New Zealand results, TIMSS 1994: Science performance of NZ form 2 & 3 students, TIMSS 1994: Mathematics performance of New Zealand form 2 & form 3 students, TIMSS 1994: Mathematics & science literacy in the final year of schooling, PIRLS 2005/06 in NZ: A summary of national findings, PIRLS 2005/06: A summary of findings for New Zealand, PIRLS 2005/06: Reading Literacy in New Zealand: An overview of New Zealandâs results, Insights for Teachers: Year 7-10 teachers' self-efficacy & job satisfaction, TALIS 2018: Year 7-10 teachers' teaching & assessment practices, TALIS 2018: School climate in New Zealand Year 7-10 schools, TALIS 2018: Year 7-10 teachers' training & professional development, TALIS 2018: New Zealand Year 7-10 Teacher Wellbeing, TALIS 2018: Professional collaboration among New Zealand Year 7-10 teachers, PIRLS 2006: New Zealand students' engagement with the PIRLS 2006 reading passages. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Get great deals on Non-Fiction Chat to Buy. ... Bony fish don't need them because they have mucus to ward off parasites. PUNE: After having established the Smart India Hackathon as a national level event, Persistent Systems today held the pilot edition of the Smart School Hackathon for students in class 7-9, in collaboration with the Persistent Foundation and i4c. It is February, and on this particular day she is participating in an after-school seminar on teaching writing. Inherited or fixed intelligence? Around half of these students come from high decile schools. S$6 Share 2. However, cognitive science is way ahead of what teachers tend to know in terms of how people learn, and applying those experiments in the classroom can only. Effective teaching includes providing appropriate, timely, useful careers guidance and advice about different learning programmes and pathways that assist students to make a successful transition to tertiary education. PIRLS 2010/11 in New Zealand: An overview of findings, PIRLS 2010/11: Reading Literacy A summary of findings for NZ, TIMSS 2010/11 & PIRLS 2010/11 Key findings: New Zealandâs participation in PIRLS & TIMSS, PIRLS 2016: Reading Literacy & the Classroom, PIRLS 2016: Schools & school climate for learning, PIRLS 2016: Using computers for reading activities & students' attitudes to reading, PIRLS 2016: The importance of access to books & NZ students' reading confidence, PIRLS 2001: Reading Literacy in New Zealand: Final Results, PIRLS 2001: Processes of reading comprehension: A summary of the results, PIRLS 2001: New Zealand's year 5 student achievement 2001 summary, PIRLS 2001: New Zealand's year 5 student achievement 2001, PISA 2000: Assessing knowledge & skills for life: New Zealand summary, PISA 2000: Focus on low socio-economic status students' achievement in reading literacy, PISA 2000: Focus on MÄori achievement in reading literacy, PISA 2000: Focus on Pacific students achievement in reading Literacy, PISA 2000: Overview of selected New Zealand findings, PISA 2003: Learning for Tomorrow's World: NZ Summary Report, PISA 2003: Learning for tomorrowâs world: Brochure, PISA 2003: Mathematics skills for tomorrowâs world, PISA 2003: Problem solving for tomorrows' world, PISA 2003: Reading skills for tomorrowâs world, PISA 2003: Science skills for tomorrows' world, PISA 2003: Student learning approaches for tomorrowâs world. He is also the author of Why Don't Students Like School? The author doesn't really answer the question of why students don't like school. Programmes where students can gain early entrance to university after completing Level 2 qualifications, usually requiring a recommendation from the students' school principal. Although previous research has shown that geographic availability of tertiary education impacts on the distances students travel to study, its impact on likelihood to study at the tertiary level is unclear and warrants further investigation.
Those students who are using this to complete your homework, stop it. Their Students. : A Cognitive Scientist Answers Questions About How the Mind Works and What It Means for the Classroomâ as Want to Read: Error rating book. Changes to the qualification system and, consequently, to the way in which school leaver data is recorded make comparisons over time difficult for intermediate attainment levels. Smart, W (2006). Phone:
People are naturally curious, but we are not naturally good thinkers; unless the cognitive conditions are right, we will avoid thinking. 14. This is the second book of Willingham's I have read this year, after "Raising Kids Who Read". ... like asking them to wait their turn, or answering their classmates' questions, from the beginning of the year so they settle … In 2005, students from Nelson-Tasman-Marlborough, Manawatu-Wanganui, Northland and Waikato had the lowest rates of direct transition to tertiary education. 2 We don’t usually eat much. There is some variation by region, with large growth in transition to tertiary education occurring in Auckland, West Coast and Gisborne. Today's anti-vaccine positions find audiences where they've never existed … This report describes some of the important trends in school leavers' transition to tertiary education, and gives details on the different pathways students take depending on the level of attainment they gained at school. London: Routledge. Items. Eight principles of cognition, along with their implications for education, are discussed: This is a must-read, and one to pass on to administrators, decision-makers, etc. Degree level study, is mainly available at universities, which are concentrated predominantly in areas of high population. Heâs thoughtful, and avoids polemic. Among 2005 school leavers MÄori and Pasifika students, male students and students from 1-3 and 4-7 decile schools are more likely to leave school with attainment in this range. OECD's Education at a Glance 2020, How does New Zealand's education system compare? I disagree with some things that he proposed on this book, for example when he writes that in teaching teacher should focus on the content delivery not to the students themselves. Today, all of his research concerns the application of cognitive psycholog. Multiple intelligences? Others. Overseas studies suggest that tertiary education is the key to raising labour productivity and through this, economic growth.5 Higher levels of education are associated with better health and lifestyles, and lower crime rates. ; Three new “Guest Speaker” profiles offer students new perspectives and practical advice on a variety of careers and geographical areas. Even though I am quite positive about the alternative and new ways of education, this book rejects couple of commonly believed myths that are quite popular nowadays. This group contains a diverse range of school leaver attainment levels, it includes students with complete qualifications at Level 1 or Level 2 on the NQF and also students who leave school with partial qualifications at any level. It is unclear at this stage what the impact of the planned changes in the tertiary sector9 will have on these students' options. A must read for every educator. An excellent start but just seemed to get tied up in itself about two thirds of the way in and I found my attention dropping away (interestingly enough this is discussed in the conclusion). In 2005, of the 7400 school leavers with little or no formal attainment (13 percent of all school leavers), over 3100 students chose to continue their education in tertiary institutions. ICCS: What do our students think about New Zealand, democracy & freedom? Here, the primary audience is clearly K-12 teachers. Start studying Module 13 Exam Study Guide- Apologia Biology 2nd Edition VHSG. It is likely that the introduction of the Youth Training4 programme, which gives young people with no qualifications the opportunity to study in tertiary institutions at no cost, has contributed to increases in the number of students studying lower level certificate courses. Female students with this level of attainment are slightly more likely to make a direct transition to tertiary education than male students. A remarkable book--its focus is on k12, but I'm going to recommend it for our faculty development reading group. rffang's item for sale on Carousell. Students who leave school with University Entrance or a Level 3 qualification and study at certificate level are more likely to be MÄori, Pasifika or from low decile schools. Ussher, S. (2007). Share this: Click to share on Facebook … Figure 5 summarises these trends13, showing that in 2004 and 2005 the group most likely to go directly to tertiary education after leaving school are those who leave school with University Entrance or a Level 3 qualification. The business rules used to calculate the proportion of students transitioning to tertiary education by highest qualification have been updated in this report from the highest qualification reported in a students' first tertiary enrolment to the highest attainment in the National Qualifications Framework. Notes on understanding, using, & calculating effect sizes for schools, Innovations in Partnership Schools Kura Hourua, Involving children & young people in research in educational settings, Literature review & synthesis: Online Communities of Practice, Ministry of Education: Computer census report, NgÄ Haeata MÄtauranga: Annual Report on MÄori Education 2001/02 & Direction for 2003, NgÄ Haeata MÄtauranga: Annual Report on MÄori Education 2000/01 & Direction for 2002, NgÄ Haeata MÄtauranga: Annual Report on MÄori Education 2002/03, NgÄ Haeata MÄtauranga: Annual Report on MÄori Education 2004, NgÄ Haeata MÄtauranga: Annual Report on MÄori Education 2005, NgÄ Haeata MÄtauranga: Annual Report on MÄori Education 2006/07, NgÄ Haeata MÄtauranga: Annual Report on MÄori Education 2007/08, NgÄ Haeata MÄtauranga: Annual Report on MÄori Education 2015/16, New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (1999), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2000), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2001), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2002), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2003), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2004), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2005), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2006), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2007), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2008), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2009), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2010), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2011), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2012), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2013), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2014), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2015), New Zealand Schools: NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa (2016), NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa: New Zealand Schools (2017), NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa: New Zealand Schools (2018), NgÄ Kura o Aotearoa: New Zealand Schools (2019), Prospect for international student enrolments in New Zealand: Profiles of 13 source countries, Review of future-focused research on teaching & learning, School staffing improvements: Evaluation of the impact of additional teaching staff provided through the School Staffing Review, Strategic Research Initiative: The effects of school governance, ownership, organisation & management on educational outcomes, Strategic Research Initiative Literature Review: The effect of school resourcing on educational outcomes, Strengthening education in Mangere & Otara, Students' transition between school & tertiary education: 2nd edition, The experiences of international students in New Zealand: Report on the results of the national survey, The impact of international students on domestic students & host institutions, The economic impact of foreign fee -paying students, Transition to secondary school: A literature review, Uptake & early implementation: Communities of Learning | KÄhui Ako, NMSSA 2015 English: Listening - Key Findings, NMSSA 2015 English: Viewing - Key Findings, NMSSA 2014 English: Special Needs Reading, NMSSA 2016: Using Digital Technologies for Teaching & Learning, NMSSA 2017 Insights for Teachers: Science, NMSSA 2017 Insights for Teachers: Health & Physical Education, NMSSA 2018 Insights for Teachers: Maths & Statistics, NMSSA 2018 Insights for Teachers: Social Studies, A constellation of prospects: A review of STAR (Secondary-Tertiary Alignment Resource), An evaluation of Network Learning Communities, An evaluation of Network Learning Communities: Technical Report, An evaluation of Network Learning Communities: Summary Report, An evaluation of professional development to support the Arts in the New Zealand curriculum, An evaluation of the use & integration of readymade commercial literacy packages into classroom programmes, Assessing student swimming & aquatic skills, Bilingual | Immersion education: Indicators of good practice, Case studies of schools: Implementation of National Curriculum, Curriculum implementation exploratory studies 2, Curriculum implementation exploratory studies: Final Report, Curriculum, learning & effective pedagogy: A literature review in science education, Curriculum Stocktake: National School Sampling Study: Teachers' experiences in curriculum implementation, Curriculum Stocktake: Report to Minister of Education September 2002, Educators' use of the Online Learning Centre, Environmental education in New Zealand schools, Evaluation of the Second Language Learning Funding Pool (1999-2003), Evaluation of the Secondary Schools Arts Co-ordinators Project to support the Arts in the New Zealand curriculum, Explaining & addressing gender differences in the New Zealand compulsory school sector, Feedback from schools on the draft document German in the New Zealand curriculum: A research report, Feedback from schools on the draft document French in the New Zealand curriculum: A research report, Implementation of the New Zealand curriculum: Synthesis of research & evaluation, New Zealand Stocktake: An international critique, Monitoring & evaluating curriculum implementation, Non-English-Speaking background students: A study of programmes & support in New Zealand schools, Preventing negative Matthew effects in at-risk readers: A retrospective study, Questioning gender: Snapshots from explaining & addressing gender differences in the New Zealand compulsory school sector, Report on the New Zealand National Curriculum, 2002: Australian Council of Educational Research, Shifting balances: The impact of Level 1 NCEA on the teaching of Mathematics & Science, Shifting Balances 2: The impact of the NCEA Implementation on the Teaching of Geography & Home Economics, Te Rau Awhina: Good practice examples of MÄori & Pasifika private training establishments.
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