(2008) developed and tested a four-category protocol for assessing the level of reflective thinking present in students’ written work. (1994). Perspective transformation: How learning leads to change. First described in 1977, the theory of structural empowerment posits that certain factors in a work environment can enable or block employees’ ability to accomplish their work in meaningful ways. It is argued that the power of leaders increases with the increase in employees' ability. Students’ self-efficacy for professional practice and frequency of use of professional practice behaviors during their integrative practicum were positively related (. Kanter is a professor of business at Harvard and is often listed as one of the 50 most powerful women in the world. Reflection: A review of the literature. The conceptual fit between the environmental or contextual and personal aspects of empowerment will be described in the discussion. The empowerment structures of an organization include its policies, councils and processes. By engaging in reflective thinking about their learning experiences, students may be more likely to develop more consistent use of reflective actions in their learning, such as using research evidence in practice; taking time to link theory with practice; critically evaluating, questioning, dialoguing about, and problem solving clinical situations and practices; enacting changes in their practice and thinking; debating implications of their actions in practice; taking risks to challenge previously held values, beliefs, and assumptions; and integrating new learning with prior knowledge (Green, 2002; Harris, 2005; Jensen & Joy, 2005; Johns, 1999; Kember et al., 2000; Luechauer & Shulman, 2002; Smith & Jack, 2005). Middlemiss, M.A. The Constructs of Power and Empowerment In order to critically analyze the notion of em-powerment in management practice, the root constructs of power and control from which the empowerment construct is derived must be con-sidered. According to this theory, empowerment is promoted in work environments that provide employees with access to information, resources, support, and the opportunity to learn and develop. Learning experiences described by students were consistent with Kanter’s theoretical constructs, and examples are presented in Table 1. & Laschinger, H.K.S. Roberts, S.J. A four-category scheme for coding and assessing the level of reflection in written work. Understanding which aspects of the learning environment students perceive as empowering and their perceptions of any effect on their ability to engage in reflective thinking is important to refine curricula and ensure that students have opportunities to learn in empowering environments. Generating a body of theoretically derived research is important to advance the development of reflective thinking in learning and practice (Lethbridge, 2006). Overall, from this integrative literature review, there is evidence to support that (a) accessing empowerment structures as described in Kanter’s (1977, 1993) theory is applicable in nursing education environments (Avolio, 1998; Jarvie, 2004; Ledwell et al., 2006; Livsey, 2009; Sinclair, 2000; Siu et al., 2005); (b) students perceive psychological empowerment in learning environments (Almost & Anthony, 2003; Siu et al., 2005); (c) there is a positive relationship between structural and psychological empowerment in classroom learning environments (Siu et al., 2005); and (d) reflective thinking is an important concept in baccalaureate education (Chirema, 2007; Green, 2002; Jensen & Joy, 2005; Kember et al., 1999; Kember et al., 2000; Kember et al., 2008; Leung & Kember, 2003; Richardson & Maltby, 1995; Smith & Jack, 2005; Wong et al., 1995; Wong et al., 1997). The scheme was outlined and a description of the four levels of reflective thinking provided, with examples of how the levels may be portrayed in written work. Students who access empowerment structures may also experience psychological empowerment (Spreitzer, 1995a, 1995b), which is shaped by the value students attribute to their learning (Spreitzer, 2008). Private thoughts in public spheres: Issues in reflection and reflective practices in nursing. Empowerment of graduate nursing students: A dialogue toward change. Strategies proposed in Kanter’s empowerment theory have the potential to reduce job strain and improve employee work satisfaction and performance in current restructured healthcare settings. Currently, no studies exist that examine empowerment and reflective thinking together in the context of nursing education. The road to empowerment: Seven questions every leader should consider. (1983). of psychological empowerment in nurses, resulting in greater use of patient. A critical theory of adult learning and education. Three theories had a good conceptual fit and prior application in nursing education research: Kanter’s theory because her conceptualizations of empowerment … Thus, in this article, the theoretical links among the concepts are discussed and a model for testing is proposed. The nonreflective and reflective action components of the theory were the focus of reflective thinking in this review. (2008). 3 0 obj Mezirow, J. Finally, the link among the three concepts in baccalaureate nursing education is addressed. Whittemore, R. & Knafl, K. (2005). (2007). Education and empowerment: Securing nursing’s future. Preparing nursing students as empowered, reflective professionals provides the foundation for them to be life-long learners and to enact change in their work environment (Leyshon, 2002). Mezirow, J. Theoretical linkages between the concepts are evident, and there is preliminary research evidence to support this relationship in nursing education environments (Siu et al., 2005). Six studies using Kanter’s (1977, 1993) theory in nursing education environments were reviewed. Access to empowerment structures in nursing education environments can lead to students perceiving both contextual and personal aspects of empowerment. Four assessors reviewed a sample of four articles as a preliminary test of the protocol (Table 2). Jarvie (2004) found a positive, although not statistically significant (r = 0.29, p = 0.07), relationship between empowerment and self-efficacy for professional practice competencies. Students may work together to share resources and information and support one another through opportunities to practice learning activities and skills, share concerns, and celebrate successes. The articles prior to January 2013 are part of the back file collection and are not available with a current paid subscription. In addition to structural aspects of learning environments, students’ experiences shape their personal beliefs about their learning within classrooms and practice areas. 1 0 obj Researchers concluded that the psychometric properties of the scale were respectable (Table 2). (2005) found students in both PBL and CLL groups self-reported moderate levels of psychological empowerment (mean = 4.23, SD = 0.48 for PBL; and mean = 3.82, SD = 0.59 for CLL). As far back as 1977, R.M Kanter was reporting on the Structural Theory of Organizational Empowerment in a groundbreaking book entitled Men and Women of the Corporation. An empirical test of a comprehensive model of intrapersonal empowerment in the workplace. Leung, D.Y.P. Boyd, E.M. & Fales, A.W. (1981). In response, Kember et al. Empowering practitioners: An unrealistic expectation of nurse education? Kanter (1977) asserted that the use of both formal and informal networks can foster a sense of achievement and success in work environments, a process applicable to educational environments. It is worthwhile to implement and systematically evaluate these strategies because educators can directly affect students’ perceptions of structural empowerment, thus influencing their awareness of psychological empowerment. Business.com described Rosabeth Kanter's theory of management as establishing a framework managers can utilize to enhance the efficiency of corporate organizations. %PDF-1.5 Almost, J.M. In the study by Ledwell et al. Kanter purported that structural factors within the workplace have a greater influence on employee work attitudes and behaviors than their own personal predispositions. Quinn, R.E. (Ed.). Based on study results, Siu et al. (2002). In response to question 1 regarding literature examining the concept of psychological empowerment with nursing student samples, two studies were applicable. (1979). Kantcr'stheor>' of structural empowerment is the theoretical framework on which this study was based. Management theory. Chirema, K.D. Territories, turf, boundaries. Atkins, S. & Murphy, K. (1993). Wong et al. The four empowerment structures are: access to resources needed for one’s work Kanters theory that suggests that empowering working conditions increase feelings. The current review was conducted to contribute meaningfully to nursing education knowledge and, specifically, knowledge related to the concepts of structural and psychological empowerment and reflective thinking. Evidence from one study suggests students’ ability to engage in reflective thinking may be enhanced through information gained from group dialogue with faculty (formal) and peers (informal) and time (resource) for personal reflections (Wong et al., 1997). Unpublished master’s theses and doctoral dissertations were included if they fit the first two criteria. Kanter’s Theory of Structural Power in Organizations and Spreitzer’s Psychological Empowerment Theory were used as theoretical frameworks to interpret experiences. Development of a questionnaire to measure the level of reflective thinking. Empowerment and increased autonomy in the work setting often are described as mechanisms to achieve these goals. (1996). Results from a study by Leung and Kember (2003) examining the relationship between approaches to learning (based on Marton & Säljö, 1976, adapted by Biggs, 1987) and levels of reflection based on Mezirow (1981, 1991c) demonstrated an important conceptual difference and a logical relationship: lower levels of reflection and superficial approaches to learning are related, as are higher levels and deeper approaches (Table 2; available as supplemental material at http://www.slackjournals.com/jne). According to Kanter (1993) power is defined as the “ability to mobilize resources to get things done” (p. 210). Torraco, R.J. (2005). Kanter’s theory of structural empowerment focuses on the structures within the organization rather than the individual's own qualities (Bradbury-Jones, Sambrook, & Irvine, 2007). Students may access formal and informal power networks for support in this process, as well as seek information and access available resources to assist with understanding. Structural empowerment is a concept developed by Kanter (1993). Harris, M. (2005). The purpose of this integrative literature review is to examine and link three concepts important in baccalaureate nursing education: structural empowerment (as conceptualized by Kanter, 1977, 1993), psychological empowerment (as described by Spreitzer, 1995a, 1995b), and reflective thinking (as characterized by Mezirow, 1981, 1991c). <> The Structural Theory of Organizational Empowerment really is very relevant to the nursing profession. Learning occurs through social interactions and individual deliberations, and opportunities for both exist in educational environments. The four levels were the same as those derived in the development of the Reflection Questionnaire (Kember et al., 2000). Kolb, D.A. Assisting students to use evidence as a part of reflection on practice. The theoretical framework explaining each concept is briefly discussed and is followed by a literature review and critique. Staff nurse empowerment and collective accountability: Effect on perceived productivity and self-rated work effectiveness. In addition, educators can provide opportunities to practice the reflective process (in classroom and practice) through written assignments and group dialogue; resources, either through direction to other sources (e.g., library, Web sites, community agency) or being available to help students with learning needs; information, through discussion of learning needs and expectations and written and verbal feedback; and support, through time to listen, recognize accomplishments, and showcase learning strengths (Siu et al., 2005). This review linking structural empowerment, psychological empowerment, and reflective thinking provides the theoretical basis for seminal work examining students’ perceptions of structural and psychological empowerment and reflective thinking in classroom and practice settings. Laschinger, H.K.S., Finegan, J., Shamian, J. For example, including students in decision making about course objectives, facilitation of classes, and evaluations is a strategy to increase students’ access to formal and informal power networks through a collaborative approach to learning. Antecedents and outcomes of empowerment. In Mezirow, J. Databases searched included the Cumulative Index for Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Scopus, and Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC). Effect of empowerment on professional practice environments, work satisfaction, and patient care quality: Further testing the nursing worklife model. & Nason, S.W. and rapid staff turnover.12 The theory of structural empowerment is a good framework to explain concepts related to negative workplace behaviors according to Kanter.5 According to Kanter… Based on the proposed theoretical model (Figure), studies can be planned and implemented, and results will help educators build evidence for curricula to educate students to become empowered, reflective professionals. provided examples of educational strategies using tenets of Kanter’s (. Green, C.A. (Ed.). *§f,X¤=ˆ©¸0šæ…\ÏÇv"¢‚ƒ£ð=°ôCË{•Gåë{$ÐdÚ±˜¨ nƒc\Q1¢Ô-…Êþë>vx˜ ¾k ¡¾ã‡ŽJ|]»»¸¾sHƒ§ØÉ)÷ŒmùõåÍmEZymysàç^s³%Ießúí§›ŸfsZª$9;í6§‰#yó?”Đ9ÊÅ"2#ŠY"¢ÓA3j%~áqDÙ;5ÈfßÚ]é¯Îž3‡eü†ÓÛ¼Ï~(D7ÛtØ겘•v86„åÁaïQš³æjî\abÑKԔ~žã¤Æßzèße‚‹>ŒK¸tq•ïbò³zµ«\ã“?#PÒ³xb5Û3ÊÜ쌋ٰvú6¬Ø¼HÉ1G. (1991b). Fostering the nurses’ self-perception of empowerment, which comes with being certified is a mediator of personal growth; increased competence and confidence; enhanced knowledge and self-esteem; and ultimately retention. During baccalaureate education, students’ perceptions of empowerment in the nursing profession begin to form (Clay, 1992; Laschinger, 1996; Roberts & Chandler, 1996), and they are introduced to the process of reflective thinking (Atkins & Murphy, 1993; Ireland, 2008). Wansbrough, G. (1996). & Wong, C. (1999). & Shulman, G.M. Examine associations among student perceptions of structural empowerment, self-efficacy, leadership by clinical faculty, and professional nursing behaviors within the clinical environment. (2008). To access the article, you may purchase it or purchase the complete back file collection here, Kristen Lethbridge, PhD, RN; Mary-Anne Andrusyszyn, EdD, RN; Carroll Iwasiw, EdD, RN; Heather K. S. Laschinger, PhD, RN, FAAN, FCAHS; Rajulton Fernando, PhD. Usher, K., Tollefson, J. It makes sense, she meets with CEOs or huge corporations (like IBM) as a consultant to help them better manage their business. endobj In Boud, D., Keogh, R. & Walker, D. Power failure in management circuits. <>>> (2005) suggested this contention is also applicable in PBL and CLL classroom environments. & Kember, D. (2003). Kanter’s Structural Empowerment Theory [ TOP] Kanter (1993) expresses the characteristics of a situation can either constrain or encourage optimal job performance, regardless of personal tendencies or predispositions. In her theory of structural empowerment, Kanter 5 described the lines of power in an organization as either serving as a source of constraint or encouragement towards optimal job performance. & van Linge, R. (2009). All authors (Avolio, 1998; Jarvie, 2004; Ledwell et al., 2006; Livsey, 2009; Sinclair, 2000; Siu et al., 2005) concluded that Kanter’s theory is pertinent. The positive relationship between structural and psychological empowerment (Siu et al., 2005) provides preliminary evidence for more testing of the relationship between both conceptualizations of empowerment in learning environments. The theoretical framework was the Kanter’s theory of structural empowerment. Celebrating achievements and constructively examining areas needing improvement are ways students can assess the impact of their learning. Summary of Structural and Psychological Empowerment Studies in Nursing Education, Address correspondence to Kristen Lethbridge, PhD, RN, Postdoctoral Fellow, Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of Western Ontario, Health Sciences Addition #121B, 1151 Richmond Street, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C1; e-mail: .klmarty2@uwo.ca, Tell us what you think about Healio.com », Get the latest news and education delivered to your inbox, https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20110817-02, Laschinger, Finegan, Shamian, & Wilk, 2001, 2004, http://www.bepress.com/ijnes/vol6/iss1/art26/, The Value of Peer Mentorship as an Educational Strategy in Nursing, The Nursing Shortage and the Future of Nursing Education Is in Our Hands, Gaming in Nursing Education: Recent Trends and Future Paths. A discrepancy between prior knowledge and the current situation may lead to perspective transformation, a process that occurs after experiencing a sudden insight, or a series of unexpected events, which challenge currently held meaning perspectives. In the last decade, there have been many studies validating the premise that nursing and patient outcomes are … Kanter’s (1977, 1993) theory of Structural Power in Organizations evolved from her qualitative study of an American work environment. Kanter believes that a leader’s power will grow by sharing the power through empowering others and as a result, leaders will realize increased organizational performance … Structural empowerment also increases nursing autonomy, promoting the highest levels of clinical excellence and professional practice. Kanter’s (1977 /1993) theory on structural empowerment is the framework for this study. (2000). The effects of structural and psychological empowerment on perceived respect in acute care nurses. Formal power is evident in jobs allowing discretion, flexibility, creativity, and autonomy in decision making. These jobs are recognized and relevant within the organization (Kanter, 1979). Nursing students’ empowerment in distance education: Testing Kanter’s theory. Perspective transformation, an outcome of consciously questioning why during premise reflective action, is often described as a difficult experience because it involves a life-changing insight or event whereby meaning perspectives are transformed (Mezirow, 1991b). According to Kanter’s theory, empowered workers have a high degree of access to these workplace empowerment structures and will, therefore, be more productive. Laschinger, H.K.S. Cognitive elements of empowerment: An “interpretive” model of intrinsic task motivation. Baccalaureate nursing education prepares students to become registered nurses in evolving health care systems. Laschinger, H.K.S. Question 1: What is the current state of research literature regarding: (a) structural empowerment, (b) psychological empowerment, and (c) reflective thinking in nursing education? Psychological empowerment as a multidimensional construct: A test of construct validity. (2003, April). (Ed.). Structural empowerment In her theory of Structural Power in Organizations, Kanter (1979) posits that empowering workplaces are those that provide employees with access to informa- tion, support, resources and opportunity so that they will be able to do their job to the best of their ability. (1997) interviewed a subsample of post-RN students whose written work had been evaluated for evidence of reflective thinking. Reflection-on-practice: Enhancing student learning. Faulkner, J. Continued use of Kanter’s theory in nursing education research will assist in knowing how students understand access to opportunity, resources, information, and support through formal and informal networks in their learning environments. The impact of structural empowerment on nurses’ professional work Given the number of theorists addressing these concepts in the literature, as well as the large volume of articles that resulted from empowerment and reflective thinking key word searches, a specific theorist’s description of each concept of interest was selected to guide and delimit the review. The critique of premises or presuppositions pertains to problem posing as distinct from problem solving. In both studies, semi-structured interview guides based on constructs of Kanter’s (1977, 1993) theory were used. & Fry, R. (1975). Laschinger, H.K.S., Finegan, J., Shamian, J. The protocol has yet to be used with nursing students, and further testing is invited (Kember et al., 2008). Jensen and Joy (2005) and Wong et al. Assessing the level of student reflection from reflective journals. & Leiter, M. (2006). Kember, D., McKay, J., Sinclair, K. & Wong, F.K.Y. Table 1: Summary of Structural and Psychological Empowerment Studies in Nursing Education. If students’ learning experiences lead them to question their meaning, an opportunity arises to use reflective actions and question the what, how, and why of the circumstances. Sinclair (2000) interviewed 10 baccalaureate nursing (BScN) students during their final integrative practicum, and Ledwell, Andrusyszyn, and Iwasiw (2006) interviewed 7 post-diploma (post-RN) BScN students enrolled in online courses about their experiences of empowerment in their learning environments. In Ontario, Canada, reflective practice is a requirement to maintain registration with the nursing regulatory body (Gill, 2009; Wansbrough, 1996). Reflection: A flawed strategy for the nursing profession. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> In summary and in response to question 1 (probing the current state of research literature regarding structural empowerment), there has been limited use of Kanter’s (1977, 1993) theory in nursing education environments, although study results are positive. Students who reported high levels of structural empowerment also reported high levels of psychological empowerment (r = 0.58, p = 0.01 for PBL; r = 0.40, p = 0.00 for CLL). %µµµµ (2008). Leyshon, S. (2002). This study, based on Kanter's theory of the structural determinants of behavior in organizations, examined formal and informal power as predictors of job-related empowerment … The mediating role of burnout/engagement examining psychological empowerment, there is a professor of business at Harvard and is listed. 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