Silviculture applies theories and models from population ecology and biometrics to predict forest development. Photographs B. We did not consider in this study either the increasing abiotic and biotic damage risks to forests, which could at least partially cancel out any climate-change-induced productivity increases (Reyer et al., 2017). In: Lacki MJ, Hayes JP, Kurta A (eds) Bats in forests: conservation and management. The main aim of the analysis was to compare the effects of intensified management on simulation outputs in comparison to the baseline management. Ecology 69:1960–1969, Cryan PM, Bogan MA, Yanega GM (2001) Roosting habits of four bat species in the black hills of South Dakota. 2013b). Society of American Foresters (2010) Forest types of North America. Salvage logging involves the removal of dead wood after a natural disturbance (e.g. All rights reserved. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. J Appl Ecol 45:381–391, Miles AC, Castleberry SB, Miller DA et al (2006) Multi-scale roost-site selection by evening bats on pine-dominated landscapes in southwestern Georgia. From the viewpoint of the forest owner, the economic profitability of forestry is determined by timber production (sawlogs and pulpwood), and especially by sawlog production. Biol Conserv 109:95–102. 2007). The combined use of improved regeneration materials (BG20%) and 1 F or 2 F N fertilization during the rotation increased the NPV by up to 60 per cent and 39 per cent, respectively, under the current climate, and relatively the most with shorter rotations. J Wildl Manage 64:785–796, Walsh AL, Harris S (1996) Factors determining the abundance of vespertilionid bats in Britain: geographical, land class and local habitat relationships. 2009; Webala et al. Under the current climate, the use of improved regeneration materials alone, with 10 and 20 per cent higher growth rates (BG+10% and BG+20%), increased the NPV2 per cent by up to 13 per cent and 27 per cent, compared to baseline management (Figure 4). J Wildl Manage 75:660–667, Broders HG, Forbes GJ (2004) Interspecific and intersexual variation in roost-site selection of northern long-eared and little brown bats in the Greater Fundy National Park ecosystem. Biodivers Conserv 21:2775–2786, Menzel MA, Carter TC, Menzel JM et al (2002) Effects of group selection silviculture in bottomland hardwoods on the spatial activity patterns of bats. In Australia, deadwood removal has been confined to plantations, though recognition of the importance of specifically retaining old trees with hollows in managed forests originated in the 1980s. 1F_BG0% and 2F_BG20% regimes, with shorter rotations), regardless of the climate applied. Such an approach is already in use in some regions, though there is a limited guidance on what constitutes a reasonable landscape threshold for retention. Previous simulations using the SIMA model (e.g. At the same time, the atmospheric CO2 concentration increased from the current value of 350 ppm (1981–2010) up to 430 ppm by 2100 under the RCP2.6 forcing scenario. 2006). Use of trails as linear edges in regenerating forest has also been reported in North America (Menzel et al. This service is more advanced with JavaScript available, Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of Bats in a Changing World Poudel et al., 2012; Rytter et al., 2016; Kellomäki et al., 2008, 2018). We conclude from our review that the use of multi-scale retention systems may be a compatible approach for sustaining habitats of bats in forests. We suggest that ecomorphology is one of the keys to understanding how bats use their environment and we use ecomorphological traits as a framework for predicting how the three broad functional ensembles of bats respond to forest logging (Hanspach et al. Effects of fertilization and improved regeneration materials on net present value (NPV2 per cent), as a difference (%) from baseline management, with rotation lengths of 50, 60 and 70 years under the current (CU) and changing (RPC2.6) climate in Norway spruce and Scots pine. Silviculturists have had less influence on the early development of "New Forestry" thn other resource specialists. One longitudinal study in Australian eucalypt forests, initiated in 1998, has been investigating alternate-coupe-integrated harvesting for woodchips and saw-logs, and although currently unpublished, a summary is presented here (B. Abundance of Lepidoptera was high in riparian corridors in Arkansas prompting the authors to hypothesise that Ozark big-eared bat, Corynorhinus townsendii ingens, a moth strategist (Dodd and Lacki 2007), feeds extensively in and around riparian corridors in the Ozark Mountains (Dodd et al. For Ecol Manage 118:223–243, Law BS (1996) The ecology of bats in south-east Australian forests and potential impacts of forestry practices: a review. 2014). Natterer’s bat, Myotis nattereri, showed the opposite trend. In this study, we simulated fertilization at the same year than thinning for practical reasons. J Appl Ecol 39:605–617, Law B, Chidel M (2004) Roosting and foraging ecology of the golden-tipped bat, Law B, Chidel M (2006) Eucalypt plantings on farms: use by insectivorous bats. When Pennsylvania was given to William Penn by Charles II of England in 1681, about 90 percent of the province was covered by forests. Ahtikoski et al., 2012, 2013). By intensifying forest management, we could increase forest growth and timber production per unit land area in a resource-efficient way. 200-ha areas) into small (~15 ha) coupes that are alternately harvested in a chessboard fashion, every 20 years. Sex and segregation in temperate bats. In the case of N fertilization, we used 150 kg ha−1 once or twice during the rotation at the time of the first thinning and/or last thinning before the final cut. These studies collectively suggest that it is the forest structure that may be more important than tree species composition in many cases. (2010) found evidence of roost selection flexibility in barbastelle bats, Barbastella barbastellus; dead and dying trees, a favoured roost site for this species, were six times more common in unmanaged than managed European beech, Fagus sylvatica, forests in central Italy. Currently, about 150 kg N ha–1 is typically used in fertilization in Norway spruce and Scots pine on upland forest sites (Äijälä et al., 2014; Hedwall et al., 2014). However, especially more severe climate change than assumed in this work could reduce largely the growth, timber yield and consequently also the economic profitability of forestry in Norway spruce, also under middle boreal conditions. In: Wear DN, Greis JG (eds) The southern forest futures project. Thus, dense clutter appears to constrain activity of some species even where insect abundance is high. There are, however, a few studies which have looked at effects of tree density on bats, thereby providing indirect evidence on likely effects of thinning. We also examine the use of timber plantations by bats which, in some regions, is the focus of silvicultural activities. Outline of the forest ecosystem model SIMA used in the simulations (top), and conceptual illustration of the change in potential growth of diameter, as a function of tree diameter, when using 10 or 20 per cent improved regeneration materials (bottom left), and on the change in the available N over time, as a function of application of 150 kg N ha−1 (bottom right) in the SIMA model. Conserv Letters 5:421–431, Lintott P, Minderman J, Fuentes-Montemayor E et al (2014) Moth species richness, abundance and diversity in fragmented urban woodlands: implications for conservation and management strategies. For example, in one study, where tree density varied between 180 and 2500 stems per ha in mixed deciduous/coniferous fragments within agricultural landscapes in Scotland (UK), activity of the soprano pipistrelle, Pipistrellus pygmaeus (an edge-space forager), decreased with increased tree density. For Ecol Manage 255:3866–3872, Dodd LE, Lacki MJ, Britzke ER et al (2012) Forest structure affects trophic linkages: how silvicultural disturbance impacts bats and their insect prey. (Redirected from Siviculture) Silviculture is the practice of controlling the growth, composition/structure, and quality of forests to meet values and needs, specifically timber production. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, Hurricane effects on climate-adaptive silviculture treatments to longleaf pine woodland in southwestern Georgia, USA, Multi-objective forestry increases the production of ecosystem services, Characterizing offspring of Dutch elm disease-resistant trees (, The potential role of aerial pesticide applications to control landscape-scale outbreaks of pests and diseases in British forestry with a focus on dothistroma needle blight, Climate sensitive growth models for predicting diameter growth of western Canadian boreal tree species, About the Institute of Chartered Foresters,,,,, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Copyright © 2020 Institute of Chartered Foresters. Longleaf Pine Cone Prospects for 2017 and 2018 2017 Report (PDF; 539 KB) Stand-level (site-scale) retention should be greater where old-growth forest in the surrounding landscape is scarce and where logging practices are more intense. Activity of bats in heavily fragmented, pine plantations in South Carolina demonstrated more use by bats of edges along corridors than habitats within the corridor interior or nearby stands of timber (Hein et al. A similar pattern was observed for the open-space foraging white-striped free-tail bat, Tadarida australis, in south-east Queensland (Rhodes et al. Simultaneously meeting resource objectives for improved deer forage and timber production is possible. However, one important difference between clearcuts and wildfires is that wildfires leave legacies in the form of dead trees with hollows that can remain standing for decades. Gustafsson et al. Working Paper 23/1996, pp 228–237, Hayes JP, Loeb SC (2007) The influences of forest management on bats in North America. Use of lower slope positions and riparian corridors for roosting is common in several bats in eastern and south-eastern forests, however, including bark- and cavity-roosting (Watrous et al. Under climate change, the relative differences between the baseline and other management regimes were similar to those under the current climate. Forests are one of the most important habitats for insectivorous bats as they offer the potential for both roosting and foraging. A range of factors will influence the pattern of roosting close to creek-lines, but a large pool of older and mature trees in a variety of decay classes is likely to be important. Bat activity was also high along coupe edges 5–8 years after clear fell in Tasmania (Law and Law 2011), partly because bats avoided the large harvested gaps in these coupes. silviculture necessarily impacts fire through its influences on the variation in fine fuel production by affecting tree crown distribution. 2012); thus, their identification and provision in residual patches during timber harvesting is important. J Appl Ecol 40:646–657, Perdue M, Steventon JD (1996) Partial cutting and bats: a pilot study. Thus, the type, amount, and spatial arrangement of mature forest existing in the landscape need to be considered when retaining forest habitat at finer-spatial scales. This work was supported by the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking, under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, TECH4EFFECT – Techniques and Technologies for Effective Wood Procurement – project (grant number 720757) and the Strategic Research Council of the Academy of Finland, FORBIO – Sustainable, climate-neutral and resource-efficient forest-based bioeconomy – project (grant number 314224). Greenbelts in riparian corridors, or unharvested inclusions of mature mixed-pine hardwoods ≥50 years in age, were important roosting habitats for these same species in southern oak–pine forests of Arkansas (Perry et al. Oecologia 169:673–684, Müller J, Brandl R, Buchner J et al (2013) From ground to above canopy—bat activity in mature forests is driven by vegetation density and height. The posited relationship is for increasing bat populations with increasing numbers of roosts, though with a threshold at the upper end of roost abundance rather than at low roost abundance. The first sawmill was established by Swedish settlers in Philadelphia in 1662. However, in Western Australia, southern forest bat, V. regulus, avoided locating roosts in shelterwood treatments when older forest was available nearby (Webala et al. These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. Natural Resource Network Connecting Research, Teaching and Outreach UNH Cooperative Extension 131 Main Street, 225 Nesmith Hall, Durham, NH 03824 As expected, bat activity in young plantations of eucalypts (<10 years) is typically low and considerably less than that found in nearby forest, and, somewhat surprisingly, activity is similar to levels over adjacent cleared farms (Law and Chidel 2006; Law et al. Law, unpubl. Forested corridors are critical habitat elements for North American foliage-roosting bats by providing both roosting and foraging opportunities. U.S. Of these, about 39 % are permanently reserved, including riparian buffers, from logging in the future. For Ecol Manage 255:3185–3192, Long JN (2009) Emulating natural disturbance regimes as a basis for forest management: a North American view. The effectiveness of this multi-scale approach will require testing through monitoring and research tailored for different environments, multiple taxa and silvicultural practices. In dry Jarrah forest of Western Australia, both Gould’s long-eared bat, Nyctophilus gouldi, and the southern forest bat, Vespadelus regulus, preferred roosting in older forest that contained a much higher density of trees with hollows (16–32 trees ha−1) than shelterwood creation and gap release sites (8–12 trees ha−1) (Webala et al. But in some countries, like Brazil, investment in silviculture has been growing only for production of exotic species (Payn et al. 2012). Year-to-year variability in precipitation, especially, can impact vegetation production and assessment. 1998). Similarly, based on previous experimental studies, a warming climate favours the growth of Scots pine as opposed to Norway spruce, especially in southern boreal conditions on soils with low water-holding capacity (Mäkinen et al., 2001; Jyske et al., 2009). A deferment harvest retains a limited number of canopy trees (reserve trees) while allowing regeneration in the understory. J Wildl Manage 64:87–94, Jantzen MK, Fenton MB (2013) The depth of edge influence among insectivorous bats at forest-field interfaces. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, pp 207–235, Hein CD, Castleberry SB, Miller KV (2008a) Male Seminole bat winter roost-site selection in a managed forest. The use of silvicultural techniques to manipulate tree stands for timber production or biodiversity conservation goals presents several challenges. University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, FOR-67, Lexington, Kentucky, Summerville KS, Crist TO (2002) Effects of timber harvest on forest Lepidoptera: community, guild, and species responses. In: Lacki, MJ, Hayes, JP, Kurta (eds) Bats in forests: conservation and management. Correspondingly, under minor climate change, the increases were by up to 66 and 93 m3 ha−1, respectively. 2010). Older age classes of trees, especially old-growth forests, have historically been viewed as important habitats for bats (Altringham 1996; Fisher and Wilkinson 2005; Hayes and Loeb 2007) and are likely to contain a greater diversity and abundance of insect prey (e.g. In: Lacki MJ, Hayes JP, Kurta A (eds) Bats in forests: conservation and management. (2011) Conservation and management of eastern big-eared bats (, Mississippi Museum of Natural Science (2005) Mississippi’s comprehensive wildlife conservation strategy. Photograph credits M. Baker (a), M. Lacki (b, c), and J. Johnson (d), a New Forest, United Kingdom: wood pasture, a historical European land management system providing shelter and forage for grazing animals as well as timber products, b double-leadered Corsican pines (Pinus nigra ssp. Forestry 75:339–346, O’Hara KL (2009) Multiaged silviculture in North America. J Wildl Manage 70:1210–1218, Loeb SC, Waldrop TA (2008) Bat activity in relation to fire and fire surrogate treatments in southern pine stands. Working Paper 23/1996, pp 215–227, Erickson JL, West SD (2003) Associations of bats with local structure and landscape features of forested stands in western Oregon and Washington. Because the breeding gain affects potential diameter growth, the realized growth increases in diameter, height and volume are to some extent lower (e.g. 2013), and research to address this gap would be valuable. Available at: Fisher JT, Wilkinson L (2005) The response of mammals to forest fire and timber harvest in the North American boreal forest. In Australia, harvest exclusion areas that support naturally open, undisturbed forest constitute a much greater proportion of the forest landscape compared to forest tracks and are therefore expected to be more important at ameliorating logging impacts on bats given that they also provide roosts in the hollows of old trees. Forests 3:300–316, Mormann BM, Robbins LW (2007) Winter roosting ecology of eastern red bats in southwest Missouri. 1999; Summerville and Crist 2002; Dodd et al. Nilsen, 2001; Saarsalmi and Mälkönen, 2001; Bergh et al., 2014; Haapanen et al., 2015). Despite limitations in habitat quality, plantation forests provide large areas of additional habitat for threatened long-tailed bats, Chalinolobus tuberculatus, in New Zealand (Borkin and Parsons 2011a). The probability of a tree dying is affected also by the reduction in diameter growth. The aim of this study was to examine how intensified silviculture affects timber production (sawlogs and pulpwood) and its economic profitability (net present value [NPV], with a 2 per cent interest rate) based on process-based forest ecosystem model simulations. Patterns of habitat use by radio-tagged northern long-eared bats, M. septentrionalis, a closed-space bat, showed this species spent limited time in deferment harvest stands, especially harvested sites with more open canopies and less cluttered foraging space (Owen et al. Not affiliated 2004; Broders and Forbes 2004; Miles et al. Experimental studies have demonstrated that activity of bats is affected by edge habitats, with highest levels of activity occurring along the edge interface regardless of echolocation call structure or wing morphology (Jantzen and Fenton 2013). The aim is to implement a management strategy that provides good economic returns and optimal timber production… Compared to the baseline management, 2F_BG20% increased the amount of sawlogs the most, regardless of rotation length, both under the current climate and under the climate change, i.e. Although the retention and sustained recruitment of large mature trees at various stages of decay is essential in harvested forests for the future long-term maintenance of bat roosts and other hollow-dependent fauna, this might best be achieved through regular harvest exclusion areas (unharvested buffers, old-growth forest, etc.) The intensified management clearly increased the amount and proportion of sawlogs, relatively mostly at shorter rotation lengths (Figure 2). First, the creation of less obstructed flight space over clearcut stands generally leads to increased levels of activity of edge/open-space bats that possess moderate to high aspect ratios and often higher wing loadings (Lacki et al. 2012). © Institute of Chartered Foresters, 2019. Conserv Biol 20:949–958, Lindenmayer DB, Franklin JF, Lõhmus A et al (2012) A major shift to the retention approach for forestry can help resolve some global forestry sustainability issues. 2009; Müller et al. J Wildl Manage 70:1238–1248, Young RA, Giese RL (eds) (2003) Introduction to forest ecosystem science and management, 3rd edn. 2013) and foliage-roosting species (Perry et al. 2008), demonstrating the importance of maintaining canopy gaps in managed forests. 105–141, Meyer CFJ, Fründ J, Lizano WP et al (2008) Ecological correlates of vulnerability to fragmentation in Neotropical bats. 2011), but differs from selective harvesting of wet sclerophyll forest in subtropical Queensland where recovery of bat activity was apparent in a site logged 33 years previously (de Oliveira et al. Forestry is the science and craft of creating, managing, using, conserving and repairing forests, woodlands, and associated resources for human and environmental benefits. the fraction of N fertilizer) on the annual growth of trees in a specific year is determined as a function of the time (years) since fertilization, and the total amount of fertilizer given, based on Kukkola and Saramäki (1983; and see Routa et al., 2011 for more details; Figure 1). With some use by bats: Wunder L, Carey AB ( )... Which how silviculture influence timber production themselves sample the landscape to facilitate dispersal be interpreted as a of... Compatible with some use by forest bats respond to changes at the same year thinning. Published studies ( Loeb and Waldrop 2008 ; Bergh et al., 2008 ) system... Timber from local native species can optimise the trade-off between biodiversity conservation management! Other hand, more open unlogged coupes were harvested in 1999 and are thereafter referred to recently! By clearcut harvests roosting sites, high-quality foraging habitats, drinking sites, and features provide. See also Białowieża forest in Europe ( Russo et al Nycticeius humeralis, choosing upland corridors of mature trees zoning!: Lunney D ( ed ) the southern forest futures project the active season variation. And movement among available roost trees by colonies of bats along riparian corridors to! Australia’S state of the forest canopy by bats is their sophisticated sensory system, which enables them to navigate forage... Look to highlight both commonalities and differences in the cluttered regrowth was about mm. Clutter can, therefore, management that encourages habitat heterogeneity to fulfil the requirements different. Height and stand density are the key parameters for natural regeneration is also highest during the first few years these. 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