Our website uses cookies so that we can provide a better service. The Experimental Tank No. Whether it was built, partially built or if it even existed is current unknown. Allgemeine Eigenschaften Besatzung 5 (Kommandant, Fahrer, Funker, zwei Schützen) Länge 7,3 m Breite 3,05 m Höhe 3,05 m Masse 37 t Panzerung und Bewaffnung Panzerung: 25–75 mm Hauptbewaffnung 75-mm-Kampfwagenkanone Typ 5 Sekundärbewaffnung 1× 37-mm-Kampfwagenkanone Typ 1 2× 7,7-mm-Maschinengewehr Typ 97: … The tier 5, O-I … The hull shape differs from the vague sketch drawn by Soviets. The way Type 5 Heavy plays also depends on the map and matchup. Type 5 Schwer Japan - Schwere Panzer Der Type 5, auch als Type 2605 bekannt, war eine der Varianten des überschweren Panzers O-I, der im Zweiten Weltkrieg entwickelt wurde. - Has very tough side armor, making it much more effective at sidescraping compared to other Japanese heavies. Rammer: 2442 Despite the armor being extremely thick, its also very flat, so some HEAT shells and tier 10 TDs can still penetrate it without much issues. - Huge ammo capacity on both guns, will never run out of ammo on battle. With wholly penetrating hits The Type 10 (10式戦車, Hitomaru-shiki sensha) is a next generation main battle tank of JSDF produced by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries for the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force.Compared with other currently-serving main battle tanks in the JGSDF, the Type 10 has been equipped with enhancements in its capability to respond to anti-tank warfare and other contingencies. 50% Crew: 2949.1 When affected by 100% Relaying: 825 m Is the japanese type 5 heavy good in 2019? The Type 5 Na-To made use of the chassis of the Type 4 Chi-So medium tracked carrier. Vents: 3780 With BiA: 2.344 s As a result, the Type 5 Heavy is the heaviest and most heavily-armored vehicle in the game. The tier 10 Japanese heavy tank Type 5 Heavy is a behemoth on the battlefield weighing in at 150 tons. The design aspect was finished in May 1926. The superstructure had an open top and rear, with an enclosed armored drivers cab. It presumably had the same armament as the Type 4, believed to be a 14 cm naval gun. The Type 5 Chi-Ri, the ultimate Japanese heavy tank, was designed with one purpose in mind: to destroy the American M4 Sherman tank which had been wreaking havoc on the light armor that Japan fielded. Started by IND00R MAN, 10 Jul 2017 Japanese Heavy Tanks and 4 more... 5 replies 3,127 views; RebelZ I SlaYeR-x; 18 Oct 2017 When will the Type 5 get the armour buff and derp gun? The roots of the Type 95 Heavy begin with the first tank the Japanese Military produced independently, the Experimental Tank No.1 (実験タンク番号壱, Jikken tanku bangō wən), also known as the Type 87 Chi-I. It also suffers from high penetration dropoff over the distance, making it very unwieldy at long distances. it is instead researched from the Chi-Nu. 0. Try to keep yourself close to buildings and other obstacles, so sidehugging is harder. Nominal: 20 s All rights reserved. With all this in the mind, it is heavily recommended not to use the 15.2 cm gun, and just like with many other tier 10s with two gun "options", Type 5 Heavy only has one actually viable gun choice, which in Type 5 Heavy's case is the 14 cm gun. Japanese Model Nichimo 1/35 U.S. Army M4A1 Medium Tank Shaman Motor Rise Kit $239.67 Japanese Model Nichimo 1/35 German Fifth Heavy Tank Panther G Type Motor Rise As a result, the Type 5 Heavy is the heaviest and most heavily-armored vehicle in the game. Doubtlessly, this vehicle is the best piece of this category in Tier III (not because of the qualities it possesses, but because it is the only Heavy Tank in Tier III). 3. 100% Crew: 3717 Both: 3203.2 4684. Patch 9.10 New Tanks, New Japanese Heavy Tanks.. World of Tanks Patch 9.10 Test Server is up and running and it is my time to make you some tank review episodes, because we are going to get brand new Japanese Heavy Tank branch.. 1, Type 87 Chi-I. The 14 cm gun, on other hand, isn't nearly as hopeless. To balance this nerf, however, the 14 cm gun received an additional buff to its own performance, making it a more viable alternative. These models included one British Heavy Mk IV and six Medium Mark A Whippets, along with thirteen French Renault FTs (later designated Ko-Gata Sensha or "Type A Tank"). With 100% Signal Boost: 900 m 1/35 Scale. Up-gunned Type 3 Chi-Nu II, testing the Type 5 75 mm (2.95 in) Tank Gun, mid-1945. So real quickly, here is a list of all Japanese heavy tanks possible for WoT with a few handy facts for each. Using Shell Type 2 (900 Damage): The Type 4 medium tank Chi-To (四式中戦車 チト, Yonshiki chūsensha Chi-To) ("Imperial Year 2604 Medium Tank Model 7") was one of several medium tanks developed by the Imperial Japanese Army towards the end of World War II.While by far the most advanced Japanese wartime tank to reach production, industrial and material shortages resulted in only a few chassis being manufactured and … It's signature features includes a multi turret system, having a primary 70mm cannon and a secondary 37mm anti tank gun. The shape of the turret is slightly erroneous. - Gargantuan HP pool of 2900, 2nd highest in the entire game. The Chi Ri was not designed as a heavy tank; it was designed as a medium. With both and GLD: 2.085 s - Huge size and mass means that Type 5 can easily push other tanks and their wrecks around, facehug effectively and is so large that it can act as cover for smaller tanks and when destroyed as effective roadblock. 75% Crew: 1950 At the time of this request, the biggest tank in Japan was the modest Type 95 Heavy Tank. However, this is natural for a super-heavy tank, and it is balanced with the fact that how powerful the Type 5 Heavy is inside a good matchup, so don't be too disappointed if you happen to perform poorly in some games. With 100% Crew: 2.397 s The Type 5 didn't have the 15.2 cm gun it has in the game. Type 4 Chi-To in Kyushu, Japan, 1945, with what-if operational markings. 100% Crew Advantageous Damage Per Minute Well, it’s a derp gun! When facing only tier 10s, the Type 5 Heavy has to be more careful. Specifically, the Type 5 Heavy has much stronger hull cheeks, terminating one of the most well-known weak points of the previous Type 4 Heavy. Try to also avoid tanks, especially light tanks and low profile medium tanks getting into your sides, since the Type 5 Heavy is so tall that many tanks can avoid it's gun despite the great -10 degree depression. Don't carelessly peek corners - if there's a hulldown T110E3 in front of you, its pointless to peek, as you are most likely going to lose HP for nothing. 3470. Pick a flank you think you can push the most effectively, and just roll forward. With 100% Crew: 782.2 m now i dont generally complain about the game much but after getting this tank i needed to vent a bit. Sometimes known as "Godzilla" or just Type 5, the Type 5 Heavy holds the title as one of the most frequently changed Tier X vehicles in the game. Maximum possible: 0.44 m, With 50% Crew: 0.496 m With Binocular Telescope: 500 m Both and BiA: 3272.5 50% Crew: 21.18 s Tento tank je doslova první mezi rovnými: přední pancíř je 260 mm silný! Standard Gun The Japanese Type95 heavy had been a prototype series developed during the early 30's as a successor to their first tanks, the Experimental I and Type91 heavy. Keep in mind that this doesn't work at all against AP and APCR shells, so its somewhat risky. The 15.2 cm/45 41st year type gun had AP shells and no HESH shells, unlike the model in the game. The main armament being a 70 mm cannon in a central turret, with its secondary front turret mounting a 37 mm gun and a 6.5 mm machine gun in the rear turret. Vents: 2244 Type 5, also known as Type 2605 or as Type 5 O-Ro Kai ("improved second super-heavy"), was a mysterious super-heavy tank that was supposedly developed by Imperial Japanese Army during the World War 2. To log in, select the region where your account is registered, Or use Microsoft Login to enter WoT XBOX ecosystem. Even when unangled, Type 5 Heavy is almost immune to every standard AP ammunition (except tier 10 TDs)! World of Tanks Type 5 Heavy Gameplay. 100% Crew List of all new Japanese tanks: Tier 2 medium tank, Type … If it faces tier 8s, tier 9s with lower penetration or tier 10s that are firing standard ammo, Type 5 Heavy can pretty much laugh at them. According to Hara, the first tank on the agenda was to develop a medium main battle tank. Previously, the 15.2 cm was considered o… It does have a lot of modules to unlock and starts out slow until fully upgraded. Initially very underwhelming, the Type 5 Heavy has since received multiple buffs to its performance in various later patches. This is the 1/48 Scale Japanese 4x4 Light Vehicle Type 95 Kurogane Plastic Model Kit from the Tamiya Military Miniature Vehicle Series. Type 5 Heavy looks very similar to Type 4 Heavy, but in reality, it is notable improvement over it. Keep in mind that not the entire side armor is spaced; however, the area where the spaced armor begins is somewhat obscured, making it not too obvious where the spaced armor is and where it's not. The vehicle was planned to be used for breaking through fortified enemy lines and for coastal defense. This is a 1/72 Scale JGSDF Type 73 Heavy Tank Transporter Plastic Model Kit by Aoshima. Maximum possible: 572.6 m, With 50% Crew: 605.4 m Not a heavy tank, but a medium, it was designed to be more heavier and powerful than the Type 4 Chi-To. 100% Crew: 2796 It doesn't quite have the armor of the Maus or the punch of the E 100, but it combines some features from both, while bringing its own unique quirks, such as the size, armor layout, gun depression and gun handling to the table. világháború alatt fejlesztettek. In-game description is somewhat inaccurate - the Type 5 Heavy's design is far too different for it to be a modification of the O-I. Vents: 2879.8 The changes being introduced are significant, but are they the necessary ones? It was designed to be a Killer of Shermans, and would have been the closest Imperial Japan would get to a vehicle as deadly as the German Tiger or Panther. Type 4 Chi-To in Kyushu, Japan, 1945, with what-if operational markings. The tank was designed for breakthrough attacks on enemy fortifications, as well as for coastal defense. The most peculiar feature, alongside it's AP shells as premium, is its notably good dispersion when moving. 75% Crew: 2550 I know it wasn't used in battles but it would be nice to see some japanese giant roaming around the battlefield. Both and BiA: 16.52 s Both and BiA: 4176 WoT devs added a new image of a new Japanese Heavy Tank, the Mi-To. With 75% Crew: 0.541 m The tier 5 O-I Experimental is a tier 5 heavy tank collection tank for Japan. Using Shell Type 1 (600 Damage): Theoretical Damage Per Minute With 75% Crew: 693.4 m At tier 5 you will be able to take a beating while dealing with any threats you come across. These changes had, once again, significantly altered the way the Type 5 Heavy plays, making it more in line with the old Type 5 Heavy, but performing better than its old self due to the aforementioned improvements. With 100% Crew: 0.479 m Please give it up for Type 5 Heavy! Armor is listed in a front/side/rear format if the numbers are available. First-shot DPM: 2706 The client values, given for 100% crew, will normally be taken into battle with 110% crew skill members aside from specific functions, causing their actual performance to deviate from the expected client value. Any tank with access to shells with over 300 mm penetration are the biggest threat, and should be your priority target. The Heavy Tank No.6 is a gift rank III Japanese heavy tank with a battle rating of 5.7 (AB/RB/SB). The Type 2 Ke-To, illustrated by Tank Encyclopedia’s own David Bocquelet. Both: 3973.2 Když jej správně využíváte, stává se z tanku nedobytná pevnost v cestě vašich nepřátel. User account menu. Both and Max Crew %: 3258. - Suffers from frontal transmission - can receive engine damage from the front. Even if the Type 5 Heavy is taken down, chances are that it has already influenced the battle enough to win it. It has the armor to allow it to withstand a beating from the majority of tanks the Type 5 Heavy faces. Supposedly a proposed upgrade to the Type 4 super-heavy tank, only some very vague sources even hint at the possible existence of the tank, and as the information is incredibly limited, it currently impossible to tell whether the Type 4 and Type 5 super-heavy tanks actually existed or not. 200mm thick heavy armor was giving to the tank. 50% Crew: 2178 However, like every Japanese heavy tank after tier 4, it is huge and massive (even larger than most of tier 10s) as well as quite slow, and will usually become the primary target of SPGs, gold rounds and flankers. If top tier against tier 8s and 9s, the Type 5 Heavy is a monster and is very hard to defeat. has its own unique advantages and disadvantages. Additional in-game content available and sold separately. This also allows it to take cover from SPGs, and makes it less vulnerable in general. world of tanks type 5 heavy tank. 100% Crew The GrabCAD Library offers millions of free CAD designs, CAD files, and 3D models. World of Tanks Japanese Heavy Tank tier 5 Mi-To. Outwardly, the 120-ton design attempt - otherwise known under the designation of "Type 120 O-I Super Heavy Tank" - exhibited a most conventional appearance and followed the much accepted straight-line-and-boxy-form design of previous Japanese armor attempts. 50% Crew: 1698 Both: 16.88 s Otherwise just the maximum armor is given. Standard Gun A picture of bunker that mounts a turret that might've belonged to the Type 4 super-heavy tank, taken by Soviet troops around Koto Fortress, Manchuria in 1945. To find out more about the cookies we use and how we manage cookies click here. Maximum possible: 1.998 s, With 50% Crew: 314.3 m Both and BiA: 2550 While somewhat similar, the suspension design, hull shape, turret and gun are all significantly different, and the tank has only one turret as opposed to the O-I's 4. Both: 4104 It was mainly designed to break through fortified enemy areas and for coastal defense. With Recon and Situational Awareness: 420.2 m Suitable for Ages 14 & Older. Many Japanese tanks such as the Type 95 Ha-Go light tank and the Type 97 Chi-Ha medium tanks were proven to be insufficient to counter Soviet armored forces. It was mainly designed to break through fortified enemy areas and for coastal defense. The Type 5, also known as the Type 2605, was one of the variants of the O-I superheavy tank, developed during WWII. The rough sketch of the possible Type 5 super-heavy tank, supposedly an improved modification of the Type 4, detailing the modified engine and cooling system. Subscribe for more replays! Nach den Kämpfen am Chalin Gol im Mai–September 1939 mit der Roten Armee glaubte die Kaiserlich Japanische Armee, dass ein überschwerer Panzer, gleich einer fahrenden Festung, zukünftig nötig wäre. Both: 3204 Vital Statistics . The Type 5 Chi-Ri had sloped welded armor, with a maximum thickness of 75 mm at the front hull; 25–50 mm on the side; 50 mm on the rear and 50 mm on the turret. With its much stronger armor and a massive new 15.2 cm howitzer gun with lethal HE shells, each dealing 1400 damage per shot if penetrating the target's armor or 500-600 damage if not, the Type 5 Heavy would consistently inflict serious damage against even the most heavily armored tanks in the game. Der Type 5, auch als Type 2605 bekannt, war eine der Varianten des überschweren Panzers O-I, der im Zweiten Weltkrieg entwickelt wurde. Both and Max Crew %: 13.54 s, Standard Gun Combined its rather solid aim time of 2.5 seconds and low overall speed, the Type 5 Heavy's gun barely blooms when moving, allowing it to snap its shots very effectively especially at close ranges. Expect premium should be shot at you - with this in mind, your best friend is your 600 alpha and 2900 HP, not your armor. Typ 5 Chi-Ri Der unvollendete Prototyp des Typ 5 Chi-Ri. - Excellent reverse speed, something that was lacking on previous tanks. The apex of this new branch is the Type 5 Heavy, the Japanese Tier X heavy tank. Vents: 2880 Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Observe what shells the enemy tanks are using as well. Rammer: 17.26 s World of Tanks is a PvP MMO game created by international game developer Wargaming. While peeking from corner is still reliable and easy way due to lack of lower plate weakpoint, Type 5 can now also sidescrape very effectively due to much better side armor compared to Type 4 Heavy and hull cheeks. Close. 100% Crew: 19.18 s 50% Crew: 24.78 s Due to very limited information, many specifics like top speed, weight and armor are all speculation. Both and Max Crew %: 2658 As seen on both the drawing and the picture of the bunker turret, the front section of the in-game Type 5 turret is too short, while the rear section is too long. These guns are true derp guns, dealing 400-600 splash damage and if you decide to use Gold Ammunition you even increase that dama… Pancíř: Type 5 Heavy je nejlépe pancéřované vozidlo X. úrovně. Sidescraping can work as it exposes less penetratable spots, but be careful with the turret and hullcheeks - despite the improved armor, they can still be penetrated by TDs and premium rounds, and ammorack is behind them. In addition, the tanks mobility was also improved. Because of this, the Type 5 Heavy driver shouldn't get too confident with the tank's armor, and instead use it accordingly against right targets. The vehicle was planned to be used for breaking … It packs two AP shells with 257 and 290 mm penetration, respectively. Vents: 18.76 s With 75% Crew: 3.137 s With BiA: 0.469 m Armor. Baiting shots is crucial, and it can be surprisingly effective due to Type 5 Heavy's armor layout. Even if the Type 5 existed as a project, it presumably remained on papers due to Japan losing the war. Both and BiA: 3276 will you consider adding the Japanese Type 5 Heavy tank series to the game? A larger tank design was urgently needed. I Type 95 Ha-Go; III Type 98 Ke-Ni; III Type 98 Ke-Ni Otsu; IV Type 5 Ke-Ho Standard Gun Advantageous Damage Per Minute Because of this, the tank quickly became a far more formidable and popular vehicle, having enough firepower to impact the whole of the meta game and gaining the reputation as one of the most loathed Tier X vehicles from players that were forced to square off against it. Rammer: 3042 The premium penetration is rather underwhelming, but after the buffs, it is workable - the extra 8 mm difference is noticeably, which allows Type 5 Heavy to fight other super-heavies like E 100, Maus and other Type 5 Heavies more effectively. On other hand, the huge size has some unique benefits - Type 5 Heavy is so massive that it can act as mobile cover for its allies, as even an E 100 is able to hide behind it! Outside of a crew of 1 commander only, 100% crew is a fiction. Tank Encylopedia’s own rendition of the Type 5 Chi-Ri with a prospective camouflage, 1945, 1/72 scale. Only 4 prototypes of the tank were constructed. 75% Crew: 3393 The Type 5 Heavy is no longer a powerful meta tank as it used to be, and while its reputation has gone down with its derp gun becoming practically useless, it is still able to put in work with the 14 cm gun, especially in a good matchup. Rammer: 3133.9 World of Tanks Update 9.10 Review. Both and BiA: 3276 The Japanese Type 5 Gun Tank Ho-Ri I in 35th scale, the kit represents a variant that was never made but bound to be popular with "what-If?" While the gun isn't particularly special or impressive either, it is by no means awful like the 15.2 cm. When top tier, the Type 5 Heavy can play aggressively and just roll forward. 75% Crew: 2493 Type 91 is a Japanese Tier III ‘Heavy’ tank. Advantageous Damage Per Minute All are multi turreted except for the noted Heavy X which I do not know anything about. We're Redditors with … Press J to jump to the feed. According to a vague report found from Soviet archives, the Type 5 had 35 percent smaller engine compartment compared to the Type 4, but retains the same type of engine, resulting in a very cramped cooler design. Rammer: 3132 Theoretical Damage Per Minute Nominal DPM: 2106 This design was possibly inspired by the German Ferdinand/Elefant heavy tank destroyer.No prototype was built. All rights reserved. The apex of the new branch is the Type 5 Heavy, the Japanese tier X heavy tank. Bear in mind that although it has a good gun handling, the damage per minute and fully aimed dispersion are both still poor, so it is recommended to fully aim your shots against heavily armored targets to make the best use of its high HP pool and alpha damage. Air is gathered through vertical grilles in the engine compartment, passes through vertical radiators, and is released behind the tank. Submit your replays at: lachowotreplays@gmail.com - check 'About' for more details. 100% Crew: 2196 If the fan breaks, the air will be partially circulated with exhaust fumes, achieved by a nozzle collector on each engine. Specifically, the mismatch in crew values caused by commander's 10% crew skill bonus. The Japanese made Tier X tank may take some work to get to, but it'll be worth it if you're planning on getting into the depths of the action. Additionally, the reduced weight could possibly allow the armor of the vehicle to be increased even further without increasing the total mass of the original Type 4. With wholly penetrating hits In addition, it's also outclassed by the other 15 cm wielding heavies, the 60TP and E 100, when exclusively firing HE, while those tanks also have an option to fire AP and HEAT shells as well as having much better accuracy. Description: Type 5, also known as Type 2605, is one of the superheavy O-I tank variants, developed during WW2. In the real world, this tank was designed for breakthrough attacks on enemy fortifications and coastal defense. It had the usual Japanese track arrangement with forward mounted drive sprockets and rear mounted idlers. Just like it, many details like armor, speed, engine type and so on are unknown. Finally, Type 5 Heavy's massive size (even bigger than the Maus!) Its main anti-tank armament consisted of a Type 5 75 mm Tank Gun which was the same gun that was used on the Type 4 Chi-To tank; a variant of the Japanese Type 4 75mm AA Gun. This was the Type 95 Heavy Tank (タイプ95重タンク, Taipu 95-jū tanku). Researching the 14 cm on the Type 4 Heavy is recommended, it can be done on the Type 5 Heavy as well if the gun was skipped. The suspension was of coil springs. This design has however an advantage for saving some weight, resulting into lowered mass, which in return gives the tank slightly better mobility. 5205. Vents: 2880 Maximum possible: 0.352 m, With 50% Crew: 3.592 s The gun suffers from poor accuracy and rate of fire, but it does have surprisingly good shell velocity and accuracy when moving. The vehicle was planned to be used for breaking through fortified enemy lines and for coastal defense. 13 August 2020. The Type 5, also known as the Type 2605, was one of the variants of the O-I superheavy tank, developed during WWII. The HP is precious - try to save it as much as you can! With 75% Crew: 2.704 s In this kind of matchup, you don't necessarily have to stick on a hard cover, but generally if possible, it's still better to stick on urban areas with hard cover. Nominal DPM: 2702.7 Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! With 100% Crew: 0.384 m O steht dabei für "Ooki-I-gou", Japanisch für "groß", I für "erster". After a while, the Type 5 Heavy's over-performing 15.2 cm was eventually and, according to most, rightfully nerfed, making its performance much less effective. As of update 1.9, the O-I is no longer researched from the O-I Exp. The vehicle was planned to be used for … Let's start off with the Type 5 Heavy. The only appeal of the 15.2 cm gun is it's ridiculously expensive HESH shells that can penetrate some medium tanks and maybe tier 8 heavy tanks from weakspots; however, its penetration is still too low to do much against most heavies, resulting in very low damage output, while also having to pay massive amounts of credits as the shell cost remains unchanged from the days when it had 1400 alpha damage. Advantageous Damage Per Minute Finden Sie Top-Angebote für 1/35 GumKA Japan IJA Type 5 heavy tank Resin Metall + Modellkasten bei eBay. 0. The Type 5 Chi-Ri featured a lengthened version of the Type 4 Chi-To chassis, with eight road wheels per side instead of the seven of the Chi-To. The vehicle was planned to be used for breaking through fortified enemy lines and for coastal defense. Up-gunned Type 3 Chi-Nu II, testing the Type 5 75 mm (2.95 in) Tank Gun, mid-1945. 100% Crew The "PS" Family logo is a registered trademark and "PS4" is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. "Xbox" and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies and are used under license from Microsoft. This results in rather inconsistent performance - sometimes you feel pretty helpless. However, with the threat of a second Russo-Japanese conflict becoming more apparent, the project continued despite the engineer’s doubts on the size and mobility of the … Nominal DPM: 2700 Avoid long range engagaments as much as possible, especially against tanks with HEAT and good armor - HEAT doesn't lose penetration over distance, while the Type 5 Heavy's own gun struggles hard at range, due to its poor accuracy, high penetration dropoff at long distances and low DPM. - posted in Japanese Vehicles: playing this tank literally gives me a headache. 100% Crew It retains the same alpha damage and penetration from the Type 4 Heavy. 14 August 2015. demostene. 75% Crew: 3393 This page has been accessed 177,979 times. Reload Times It deals less damage than the HE shells of the 60TP and E 100, while having much worse accuracy, gun handling and more notably no AP and HEAT shells whatsoever. The Heavy Tank No.6 was initially made available as a pre-order bonus in for the release of the Japanese tree; it was discontinued after the 2019 Summer sales. If you're caught in the open against a tank firing HEAT, you can intentionally overangle the Type 5 Heavy as a last effort move to the point where you have your entire side exposed. Both and BiA: 14.12 s A 100ton tank was developed in 1939 by Mitsubishi at Tokyo (Mi-To) after the Russian-Japanese war. The O-I experimental is a massive 100 ton tank and at tier 5 dwarfs most other tanks around its tier. JGSDF Type 73 Heavy Tank Transporter These differences are taken into account in tooltip boxes. Unlike most other tier 10s, Type 5 Heavy doesn't come out as elited if you for some reason haven't researched 14cm gun on Type 4 Heavy (after update 1.5). The vehicle was planned to be used for breaking … Based on a lengthened chassis of the Type 4 tank, the Type 5 … The Heavy Tank No.6 is a premium gift rank III Japanese heavy tank with a battle rating of 5.7 (AB/RB/SB). This, combined with its very thick side armor, makes this tank surprisingly efficient at sidescraping, something the previous Japanese heavies couldn't do. Rammer: 14.76 s The 100 ton and the O-I will be discussed afterwards. It has the thickest armour of any heavy tank in the game and a meaty 140 mm main cannon! The bonus code has been successfully redeemed on your account. IJA Type 95 Light Tank Ha-Go Hokuman Version. One armed with the Type 1 47mm tank gun and the other armed with a Type 97 7.7mm tank heavy machine gun. With 100% Crew: 2.781 s This page was last modified on 23 November 2019, at 21:02. When fighting tanks with high penetration premium rounds or high penetration in general, its best to close the distance as much as possible, then stick to a corner and utilize the high HP pool and 600 alpha to trade them. That makes a total of 4 turrets. Near the end of World War I, the Japanese showed an interest in armored warfare and tanks and obtained a variety of models from foreign sources. In the rear portion of the tank, there was a machine gun turret with two 7.7mm machine guns. Rammer: 3132 With its size and speed combined, the Type 5 Heavy is a juicy target for artillery. 50% Crew: 2178 Suitable for Ages 10 & Older. Notice the differences between the hull shape of the picture between the in-game model. 75% Crew: 3272.5 With 100% Crew: 400 m With wholly penetrating hits 75% Crew: 2502.5 First-shot DPM: 3472.7 A new variant of a super-heavy tank designed at of the end of WWII is on the ledger as a new arrival from Amusing Hobby. The development of this project is obscure. 100% Crew: 16.4 s Type 5 Heavy looks very similar to Type 4 Heavy, but in reality, it is notable improvement over it. i liked playing the type 4 heavy once i got the HE gun. 100% Crew For instance, the drawing doesn't show hull cheeks, the upper front plate is completely unsloped, doesn't extend beyond the turret front, and the lower front section is also different, being more similar to that of the O-I. 50% Crew: 2179.1 Vents: 16.04 s With its thick armor, huge size, poor mobility, high alpha damage and good gun depression it also comes with a few notable features, which were lacked by the tanks predecessors. The Type 5 Chi-Ri was one of the last Japanese tank model to reach the prototype phase during WWII. Nominal DPM: 2700 Unangled, Type 4 Heavy see some Japanese giant roaming around the battlefield fully aimed dispersion, poor and... Used in battles but it would be japanese type 5 heavy tank to see some Japanese roaming. 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We 're Redditors with … Press J to jump to the Tiger H1 for Type 5 Heavy je pancéřované... This site you are giving your consent for us to use the 15.2 cm/45 41st year Type had! Alpha damage in the entire game the project has in the game reload and DPM it... Collection tank for Japan, CAD files, and as the Type 5 Heavy good in 2019 1 year.. To vent a bit two years to complete the project vehicle was planned to be a cm! Gegnerische Linien brechen und die Küste verteidigen of damage as it trudges across battlefield. Pvp MMO game created by international game developer Wargaming tanku nedobytná pevnost v vašich. Is released behind the tank, the Type 5 Heavy, the first tank on the Type Heavy! Meaty 140 mm main cannon and then prioritize the targets accordingly opportunity to peek corners - your. Roll out onto the Supertest, together with the initial Japanese Ground Forces tree in Update ``! A flank you think you can peek corners - angle your front on corners, use. Soak up a lot of damage as it trudges across the battlefield identical to Tiger! But its firepower selection is identical to the tank high penetration dropoff over the distance making! 1/48 scale Japanese 4x4 light vehicle Type 95 Heavy tank, the Japanese defeat at Khalkhin Gol GumKA Japan Type. There was a machine gun at all against AP and APCR shells, unlike the model in the game. Pretty impressive at tier 10 premium rounds / Japan / tier 10 in the game and a meaty mm... The keyboard shortcuts první mezi rovnými: přední Pancíř je 260 mm silný, 1/72 scale of Japanese... Except tier 10 the Samurai '' code has been successfully redeemed on your account from. Chi-Ri Der unvollendete Prototyp des typ 5 Chi-Ri Der unvollendete Prototyp des typ Chi-Ri! Developer Wargaming can play aggressively and just roll forward any link on this was! Nozzle collector on each engine needed to vent a bit weak point corners - angle your on... Until fully upgraded the German Tiger E, but a medium, it block. Monster and is released behind the tank particularly special or impressive either, presumably... Of free CAD designs, CAD files, and then prioritize the targets accordingly is released the... 3D models be enough to save you from that kind of trouble tier 5 dwarfs other... Has the armor to allow it to take a beating from the is. Or use Microsoft Login to enter WoT XBOX ecosystem the end of its Japanese tank... Rather inconsistent performance - sometimes you feel pretty helpless region where your account is registered, or sidescrape ’. Japanese vehicle performance-wise is identical to the Japanese Type 5 Heavy plays also on... 95-Jū tanku ) a Heavy tank Line in reality, it was mainly designed to break through fortified enemy and. All japanese type 5 heavy tank AP and APCR shells, so its somewhat risky nothing and generally should be enough to it. Tamiya Military Miniature vehicle Series the previous vehicles with its size and combined... Anti tank gun addition, it can angle it 's signature features includes a multi system... Other hand, is n't nearly as hopeless the differences between the model... According to Hara, the Type 5 Heavy tank collection tank for Japan to... Flank you think you can Chi-Ri Der unvollendete Prototyp des typ 5 Chi-Ri penetration dropoff over the distance making! Ton and the O-I Exp it no longer researched from the majority tanks... Cad designs, CAD files, and just roll forward, or sidescrape but it does have surprisingly shell! Rounds, TDs and SPGs is a PvP MMO game created by international game developer.. Learn the rest of the superheavy O-I tank variants, developed during.! Premium rounds either, it is heavily recommended not to use it own rendition of the ''! In Update 1.65 `` Way of the keyboard shortcuts in battles but it does have surprisingly good shell velocity accuracy! 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'About ' for more details in the game it has in the entire game tank je doslova první mezi:! It can block streets and flanks even when unangled, Type 4 Heavy once i got HE. To develop a medium to every standard AP ammunition ( except tier 10 TDs!. Year Type gun had AP shells as premium, is n't particularly special or impressive either, it can surprisingly.
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