Browse by Research Unit, Center, or Department. Please contact the course’s corresponding department to learn if a course is … Select Recent and Forthcoming Publications, LLC Default Rules Are Hazardous to Member Liquidity, __ The Business Lawyer__ (forthcoming), The Revised Uniform Partnership Act (with Robert W. Hillman & Allan G. Donn) (Thomson Reuters 2019) (also 2017, 2018 eds. .page-node-type-rooms .side .field--name-field-room-status .field--item iframe {margin-bottom:0.5em} /************ .tech-rooms .views-field-field-technology>div, Florida State University is ranked No. font-weight: 600; a.icon-gift:before, #block-views-block-student-teams-block-5 .view-student-teams .col-xs-6.views-row .views-field-field-undergrad div, Home. .region-sidebar-first .navbar li a[href^="http"]:after {font-family:'FontAwesome'; content:"\f08e"; padding-left: .5em;} Connect to: Library Web Site Online Catalog. padding: 0 0.25em; /************ ; Students who have submitted a Coalition or Common application will receive an email within two business days after submission with instructions … } ************/ /************ Our students love it here. border: none !important; Our students love it here. Florida State University College of Law Rotunda, R201 Phone: 850.644.4834 Fax: 850.644.7527 margin-left: -14px; For more information, see About the Repository. display:block; The latest headlines and information from Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties including breaking news, weather, traffic, events, sports and more. .node--type-team-member .field--name-field-hometown .field--label:after, .strong { Law schools want students in majors that teach them how to write, read, speak, and think critically. } .node--type-team-member .field--name-field-hometown div, } Pre-law students may be interested in the program too, but a minor or major concentration in Law and Society is not offered as a preparation for law school. Our students can also use virtual reference provided by expert research librarians.The distinctive feature of the Research Center is that our faculty members proactively train students and other professors to produce highly sophisticated, cost-effective legal research. .node--type-team-member .field--name-field-undergrad .field--label:after, font-size: 3em;}*/ .tech-rooms .views-field-field-technology>div, #fsu-nav-primary ul li a[href^="/co-curriculars/"], /************ Contact the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Florida State University. .region-sidebar-first nav .navbar ul.navbar-nav a[href^="/alumni/class-notes"] .caret {display:none !important;} } } The Florida State University College of Law Repository offers global access to the scholarship of the College of Law. .region-sidebar-first nav .navbar .dropdown-menu .dropdown-menu { margin-top:0; } #block-views-block-student-teams-block-5 .view-student-teams .col-xs-6.views-row .views-field-field-area-of-interest span { font-weight:bold} .expand-link { cursor:pointer; } Law. .page-node-type-rooms .side .field--label { font-weight:bold; display:inline-block } Resources. ]]>*/, © Florida State University .field.field--name-field-position .field--item { .view-faculty-staff .col-xs-12.col-sm-6:nth-child(3n+1){clear:both;} .tech-rooms .views-field-field-video-conferencing>div, .tech-rooms .views-field-field-lecture-capture>div, 1 (2019), New FASB Rules on Accounting for Leases: A Sarbanes-Oxley Promise Delivered, 72 Bus. ************/ Law and Society is not a pre-law or professional program. } a.icon-accept:before, .event-list { } About Pricing. margin: 10px !important; .field.field--name-field-related-links .field--label, padding-bottom:0.75em; Listed below are a list of all FSU undergraduate course titles containing either the words “law” or “legal.” These courses are NOT required for admission into law school. We are accepting freshman applications for Fall and Summer 2021. Tallahassee, FL 32306-1601, Administration: 850-644-3400 } Homepage .rooms-notech {background-color:#2C2A29; color:#fff;} margin:0 0 10px; .page-node-type-rooms .main .field--label { font-weight:bold; } .node--type-team-member .field--name-field-area-of-interest .field--label { font-weight: bold; } } Get a head start on Law School The Florida State University College of Law has joined forces with the Honors Program to create a professional-track program available, on a highly competitive basis, to a small number of motivated Honors students. The Account Services folder provides you with access to your tax information, financial aid permissions, and University graduate waiver form. Rooms .page-node-type-rooms .side .field--name-field-room-technology-status .field--item {display:block; padding:0.563em; text-transform:uppercase; background-color: #fdfcfc; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:1em} .node--type-team-member .field--name-field-undergrad .field--label:after, .event-card #fsuwidgetdatebox abbr { .path-frontpage>li>a { FSU College of Law Capital Location. .event-card #fsuwidgeteventlink { Tallahassee, FL 32306, FSU Directory Assistance font-weight:bold; Any unlawful, unauthorized, improper, or negligent use and/or disclosure by anyone using this website of the FSU employee or student personal information on this website may result in that person being subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal, and/or criminal prosecution. Toggle navigation. Students and Alumni @MyFSU Employees and Retirees @FSU About The Florida State University Libraries. Our students can also use virtual reference provided by expert research librarians. The following is a list of applications to FSU Law School.Use it to compare your profile to others by checking on individual user names. Contact the FSU PC Office of Admissions FSU Panama City Office of Admissions 4750 Collegiate Drive, Barron 104 Panama City, FL 32405 850-770-2160 Meet the team Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central Time } cursor: pointer; font-weight: bold; font-weight: bold; #fsu-nav-primary ul li a[href^=""], There are unique admissions processes for each of our academic programs, so please view the appropriate pages below for a checklist to complete your application. Log into the Research Center . .region-sidebar-first .navbar li a[href^="http"]:after {font-family:'FontAwesome'; content:"\f08e"; padding-left: .5em;} Qualifications A bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university If you already have a Bachelor of Social Work degree from a CSWE-accredited college or university, and a minimum of 400 hours of field education, you may qualify for FSU's MSW Advanced Standing Program A minimum 3.0 GPA on all coursework after the first 60 hours of undergraduate … margin:0; By clicking Sign In, you agree that your use of the system is governed by your institution's privacy policies and our Privacy Policy and Terms vertical-align: text-bottom; Effective August 24, 2020 the Research Center space will be open only to law faculty, law staff and law students. } Search Clauses. } content:"\f077"; .path-frontpage>li>a:hover { With permission from IDC Publishers, the FSU Law Research Center has digitized the Human Rights Documents collection’s accompanying index and provided electronic access to facilitate identifying and locating specific items. .path-frontpage>li>a:hover { #block-views-block-student-teams-block-5 .view-student-teams .col-xs-6.views-row .views-field-field-area-of-interest div { padding-left:0.5em} /************ .event-card .start-time { Contact the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Florida State University. padding-right:.5em; background-color: #e7dcc4; } .page-node-type-rooms .side .field--item { display:inline-block; } Definition of FSU Account. display:none; Pre-Law Advising Handout. .expand-link { cursor:pointer; } } The courses listed below are subject to change, may be offered infrequently, may be major restrictive, or involve prerequisites. #fsu-nav-primary ul li a[href$="/technology-services"] { County: Leon. } .event-card #fsuwidgetdatebox abbr { #block-views-block-student-teams-block-5 .view-student-teams .col-xs-6.views-row .views-field-field-undergrad div, a[href$="pdf"]:before { font-weight:bold; Winter Break (Dec. 19-Jan. 3): CLOSED. He has also written on limited liability companies, law firm breakups and accounting for leases. } font-family: FontAwesome; Below is a graph of FSU Law School applicants by LSDAS GPA and LSAT score. Contact the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Florida State University. Florida State University Law students have 24/7 access to the Research Center. Florida State Law students have 24/7 access to the Research Center. ************/ background-color:#f0ff00; .tech-rooms .views-field-field-seating-capacity>span, View Comments. .field.field--name-field-related-links .field--label, padding: 0.75em; .event-card .start-time { Quiz due by Sept 14th at 8am. Address: 425 West Jefferson Street Tallahassee, Florida 32306-1600 United States. Access at this time is limited to members of the College of Law community only, and law students must sign and submit the Code of Responsibility before obtaining building access. #block-views-block-student-teams-block-5 .view-student-teams .col-xs-6.views-row .views-field-field-undergrad span, content: "\f003"; #block-views-block-student-teams-block-5 .view-student-teams .col-xs-6.views-row .views-field-field-area-of-interest span, cursor:auto; .tech-rooms .views-field-field-video-conferencing>div, B.K. #block-views-block-student-teams-block-5 .view-student-teams .col-xs-6.views-row .views-field-field-hometown span, Phone. 1997-1998 Florida Constitution Revision Commission /************ The wide variety of experiences and backgrounds of our students provides for robust dialogue between students and faculty both inside and outside of the classroom. color: #565554; 50 (tie) in Best Law Schools.Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence. background-color: #d5d4d4; This library is affiliated with Florida State University . Each year, approximately 20 lawyers from other nations come here to advance their careers. Powered by Springshare. ), Dissatisfied Members in Florida LLCs: Remedies, 18 Fla. St. a[href^="mailto:"]:before { Phone: 850.644.4834 font-weight: 600; font-family:'FontAwesome'; Compatible with PC or Mac computers Available for Apple, Android and Windows Mobile … .page-node-type-rooms .side .field--name-field-room-status .field--item {display:inline-block;} display:inline-block; Jo Dowling, former Assistant Librarian of the Florida Supreme Court, compiled the documents for the 1997-1998 website. Bus. Links /************ a[href^=""], Thank you for your interest in the Florida State University College of Law! Become a fan of the FSU Law Research Center and learn about all the new resources AS they are made available to you! ************/ /************ Requirements. #main-content + .region-content li a, Once you sign up, you will need to check your email for an account activation link. FSU law school faculty: 'Reflect our shared values' and rename building | Opinion . a.icon-subscribe:before { Preference for admission for any term will be given to those applicants whose credentials indicate the greatest promise of academic success in their chosen program of study. .node--type-team-member .field--name-field-undergrad div, We suggest everyone wishing to attend to register so we can easily contact you with information about the workshops. footer>div.container {border-bottom:1px solid #e5e5e5;} University, Research Center | News & Events | Administration | Make a Gift | Journals and Advocacy Teams | Technology Services, Florida State University Faculty/Staff .tech-rooms .views-field-field-lecture-capture>span, .region-sidebar-first .s3-nv .dropdown-menu .dropdown-menu ul li a {padding:0.422em .75em 0.422em 4em !important;} 425 W. Jefferson Street Detailed information about the application procedures for each program is available in the Admissions section of this site. Nexis Uni; Nexis Uni offers the same trusted content collection of more than 15,000 news, legal and business sources that students and librarians alike have come to expect from LexisNexis, while also providing a better research experience. Select your email service to sign in. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. .region-sidebar-first .s3-nv .dropdown-menu .dropdown-menu ul ul li a {padding:0.317em .75em 0.317em 5em !important;} padding: .1em .5em; .path-frontpage>>a, } Furthermore, you can discover more information about the admissions profiles of specific applicants to FSU Law School on … a[href^=""] { On campus/off campus access w/ID . Florida State University College of Law and the College of Law Research Center created the 1997-1998 website to provide virtual access. padding-right:.5em; padding-bottom:10px; FSU Law Research Center. .cursor { background-color:#f0ff00; /************ Thank you for your interest in our school! This guide specifically aims to support the research of law students writing an upper-level paper on the topic of human traffic . #block-views-block-student-teams-block-5 .view-student-teams .col-xs-6.views-row .views-field-field-undergrad div, .event-card #fsuwidgeteventlink a { Students who cancel registration within this time frame are not liable for tuition; if tuition has been paid, students should request … Florida State .lead a { ]]>*/, © Florida State University #block-views-block-student-teams-block-5 .view-student-teams .col-xs-6.views-row .views-field-field-hometown span, } Team Members } /*-->div.container nav.nav-social a {color:#fff;} } History. .page-node-type-rooms .side .field--name-field-room-technology-status .field--item {display:block; padding:0.563em; text-transform:uppercase; background-color: #fdfcfc; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:1em} The 1098-T tax form provides you with information about your payments and financial aid for the tax year, and is used to complete your federal income taxes. .tech-rooms .col-xs-12.col-sm-6:nth-child(3n+1){clear:both;} form.views-exposed-form .form--inline .form-actions button { line-height: 1.1; Browse A-Z. box-shadow:1px 1px 5px #ddd; .node--type-team-member .field--name-field-area-of-interest .field--label:after { content:": "} font-size: 3em;}*/ width:100%; .tech-rooms .views-field-field-video-conferencing>span, footer .s3-w>div.container>div.row {border-top:1px solid #fbfbfb} 425 W. Jefferson Street background:#fff; .lead a { } .cursor { #block-views-block-student-teams-block-5 .view-student-teams .col-xs-6.views-row .views-field-field-hometown span, .region-sidebar-first .s3-nv .dropdown-menu .dropdown-menu ul ul ul li a {padding:0.238em .75em 0.238em 6em !important;} background: #f4f4f4 !important; text-transform: uppercase; } text-transform: uppercase; } Our primary mission is to train our students to produce highly sophisticated and cost-effective legal research. } } padding-left: 0.5em; Faculty/Staff a[href$="pdf"]:before { College of Law Pre-Law Preparation Timeline. margin-right: -14px; padding-left: 0.5em; .node--type-team-member .field--name-field-hometown div, .path-frontpage { This repository is a service of the College of Law’s Research Center, which, by supporting research, scholarship, and access to legal information, contributes to the mission of the law school. .view-faculty-staff .col-xs-12.col-sm-6:nth-child(3n+1){clear:both;} Admissions Office: 850-644-3787, FSU Law Accessibility MapLaw Comments or Questions, div.container>div.row {border-top:1px solid #fbfbfb} Apply for Summer or Fall 2021 Florida State University reserves the right to close admission early if warranted by enrollment limitations and the number and quality of applications. } FSU Law Research Center Stay Connected! World of Opportunities. background-color:#f0ff00; .tech-rooms .views-field-field-room-status>div {display:inline-block;} Business Legal Studies, History, International Affairs, Latin American & Caribbean Studies, Law, Middle Eastern Studies, Russian & Eastern European Studies. #fsu-nav-primary ul li a[href^=""], a[href^="#pdf"], a[href^=""], .field.field--name-field-select-recent-publications .field--label { background-color: #d5d4d4; footer .s3-w>div.container>div.row.s3-m-10 {margin:0; padding-top: 0.563em; padding-bottom: 0.563em;} a[href^=""], background-color:#f0ff00; To speak with an International Programs Academic Advisor about study abroad courses, you can visit our office during drop-in advising hours on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1:00-4:00pm, make an appointment using Campus Connect (FSU students only), or contact our advisors directly (Sarah Lovins Bacani at or Mary Melton at to make an appointment. ************/ margin-bottom:1em; .tech-rooms .views-field-field-lecture-capture>span, .path-frontpage { In 2011, he was named one of the Nine Transformative Law Deans of the Last Decade. Spring 2021 Hours. font-weight:bold; font-family: FontAwesome; Tallahassee, FL 32306-1601, Administration: 850-644-3400 Students and Alumni a[href^="#pdf"] { } Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative, and International Law, c. 1600-1926 (description) Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800-1926 (description) National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade (description) (Psychology), Fordham University, 1966, VitaSocial Science Research NetworkCourse MaterialsVcard. font-size: 12px; Please note that supporting documents, including the essay, resume, SSAR, and test scores, may be uploaded on the Application Status Check after the application has been submitted. Learn how to access, create your individual account, and make studying more productive. Google Scholar Steps to take before you begin 1. padding-top:0.75em; (or for Panama City Campus students); e-mail must originate from the student’s account. FSU College of Law. Meet with the assistant dean for one-on-one coaching sessions and academic consultations regarding degree planning, course selection, law school learning strategies, … .block h2 {font-size:37px;} Unlike medical school there are no specific courses required as an undergraduate. padding-top:10px; Admissions Office: 850-644-3787, FSU Law Accessibility MapLaw Comments or Questions,