Philosophy of protection, Nature, Causes and consequences of faults, Zone of protection, Requirements of a protective scheme, Basic … This system will be equivalent to the given system, meaning that they share the same solution set. b. Description of faults. Once students have observed the fault blocks, compare and contrast the types of faulting. – I can draw a picture illustrating how increased immigration in the cities led to major municipal problems. %PDF-1.5 %���� When breaks occur in the earth’s crust where no rocks are displaced the breaks are called joints. Faults - General. Stress and Strain. notes-2.pdf: Read chapter 2: 3. Assuming that thrusts and normal faults strike at a high angle to the slip direction, transfer faults endobj Reasons why PDF files contain errors or are troublesome. 2.0 Approaches In these notes, we … 1 0 obj <> endobj 2 0 obj <> endobj 4 0 obj <>/Type /Page>> endobj 7 0 obj <> stream endobj ~(7�[Ƶq�O��ܧ�g���ܗ�W���7�Dn_��k�f�f�#r�(أ�(e�T�*P%�A��MD�h��f�9h9Z�. ���b,�Bdc��8��Dj�XB5�l,Y5�l,&-����V��dc1jq�l,5�l,z5�l,:5�l,�G6I�#��Ƒ�E�Ƒ�-���rI���u-����m Z�U�F�q�F�u5�D��ϪF�Ӵ. 2 0 obj �zP���FM��-����H�����*����3TM�r�e�U����,h�V��N�:$ji�䐠�a9īq���8^����� �]UC(�겯^7YXg�8����8$˭�dc9jqH6��G6��G6��G6�Y�#ˤƑ�eT��ƲU���R��l,�Z�����a�X��z� <> A fault on which the two blocks slide past one another. Progressive Deformation. Sedimentary and metamorphic rocks: notes-4.pdf: Read chapters 5, 6 and 7. Vertical fault movement changes the elevation of a rock mass on one side of the fault relative to the rock mass on the opposite side. Faults Lecture Goals A) Fault terminology (recap of brittle deformation) B) Types of faults C) Faults on maps ... GY 111 Lecture Notes D. Haywick (2007-08) 3 4). St. Helens eruption: 5. and is generating 1.15 pu voltage. Problems This section contains a series of tables that describe possible solutions to problems that may occur when using your PC. Line – Line – Line Fault – Such types of faults are balanced, i.e., the system remains symmetrical even after the fault. %PDF-1.5 stream Off-set crops in CA. These notes emphasize method and technique over rigor and completeness; the student should call on textbooks and other reference materials. symmetrical fault. S Nevada Can you find the fault? One of the reasons why many of these problems go undetected is that designers have the habit of making proofs from their layout, checking those proofs, and then creating PDF files. See how the road is not continuous? a. is a platform for academics to share research papers. BI�bg-����o������5f��f�����*����sfv��|��g���(���Lh�v✅+֌�z�}h��P��ww�Io�"�g��.�Z��W�����-�߻�k����7@;!�u���+�n��׳�K��\2�A��[`x;�8���96Aj���w��K0S�FAME�� ��[�m�s;�}�K�V��U�=�|������ ��yj=͞��v�dO��B�Þ�W=oy>�|���ڽ �do���[���x�y�z������>�}�'�\�H�ח�K�e��}�|�|[|�}�$��`Kp&�'�$x�2��f�����%.O�: %�$%ɞ���/����������2d�Ύ�;�n�O|��?���|�h/�Kz��Zn�� Lecture 24: Faults (I) Lecture 25: Faults (II) Lecture 26: Joints & dikes Lecture 27: Folds (I) Lecture 28: Folds (II) Lecture 30: Folds (III) Lecture 31: Recap . 6. Power System Analysis Notes Pdf – PSA Notes Pdf book starts with the topics A modern power system, Components, Single line diagram, Types of buses, Load bus, Generator bus, Slack bus, Single line ground fault, Line fault, Double line-ground fault, One or two open conductor fault, Problems, Negative sequence. ���bl� @k�E�Fn w1��[�Oc�m؎cp. The other three fault types (line to ground, line to line, and two-line to ground) are called unsymmetrical or asymmetrical faults. This is Balaji chemistry pdf (Balaji Publication) | Numerical Problems in Physical Chemistry with solutions. fault scarps, fault­line scarps breccia, gouge. matter later (starting with Notes 8.21). @,���P�&���2e����;���+|4C9�-��v�=ޒwkZh�Γ�dv��m)��e�u�VD�L�U�ӽ���q��t4�>ὣ�:%��.bZ��ߥ��K��t��0/�B�̷��ˊ��d�N��T��$��t�Vo�����"oBa2~�1��Tl���� |o��ڴ{��ظ�Ĵ�MG�7�n2��������]��L|��-�ז���g9W��Q�&�= EE 423 - Power System Analysis: Faults – J R Lucas – October 2005 5 Example: A 200 MVA, 13.8 kV generator has a reactance of 0.85 p.u. LECTURE NOTES; 1. The rock cycle and igneous rocks : notes-3.pdf: Read chapter 3: 4. Strain: Part One. Brittle Material Behavior. 06 PROBLEMS - Notes Receivable.pdf Holy Angel University SBA ACCOUNTING - Summer 2017 06 PROBLEMS - Notes Receivable.pdf. x���MoA��+�� ���#�JiҔ@@Yġ�!�Pzhe��3����q�唏y���L���ি���ŋf����/�Op�t˯gM���y;��������f��c_>z��Z�����h���9k\1F� �z��up���OẮ��j�H�}�+�_��bk���*��h��{]Y�X�k����t��A���sڻ��?�C0������Jwɤp/��� 1E�vf���a�˾_^�/����o�! Strike-slip or lateral. Electrical networks, machines and equipments are often subjected to various types of faults while they are in operation. A left-lateral strike-slip fault. Although they offer this for both AC 40 pages. Faults. Chapter 15 Section 2 (Problems of Urbanization) Notes Guides Learning target: I can identify reasons why immigrants came to the cities in large numbers in the late 19 th century. 2.3 Stress distributions, faulting and tectonic setting Rock mechanics and Anderson’s theory of faulting give us a first order picture of LAB LECTURE NOTES (prepared from PowerPoint, 2011-2019) Lab 01: Orientations of Lines & planes Fault Analysis: Final Notes • The fault analysis form can be closed while a fault is calculated without clearing the fault; the values will remain in memory until manually cleared or the case is saved or closed • A Double Line fault automatically uses a Fault Impedance of 999+j999 and ignores the Fault When a fault occurs, the characteristic values (such as impedance) of the machines may change from existing values to different values till the fault is cleared. • Possible solutions that describe what you should do to try to solve the problem. fault point in a transmission and distribution network leading to power blackouts; this interferes with industrial and commercial activities that supports economic growth, stalls learning activities in institutions, work in offices, domestic applications and creates insecurity at night. Prof. Tolga Ayav, Ph.D. ... Fault-tolerance can be defined as the ability to comply with the specification in spite of faults. We will discuss this later. These PDF files don’t get looked at, they are sent straight to the agency or printer. Each table contains: • Symptoms that describe the sign or warning message for the type of problem. Faults can be classified as: Positive fault − sustained fault −Intermittent fault irregular, harder to find Tools for the Job Glaciation and surficial deposits: notes-5.pdf Reverse faults: this type of fault in which the hanging wall appears to have moved up with respect to the foot wall and dips at the angle more than 45 degrees. Dip­slip faults: reverse (thrust), normal. faults or zones are lateral ramps that may accommodate differential displacement and/or strain in adjacent blocks (different amounts of shortening or extension on both sides of the fault). Lateral earth movements often produce very great stresses due to compressional forces (when plates move towards one another) and tensional forces (pulling apart). • For electromagnetic relays, this was a main design characteristic. %���� Because symmetrical faults result in balanced conditions, they may be analyzed using per-phase analysis. Electrical F… Some of these are pretty obvious. ; These forces can cause fractures or breaks in the earth’s crust. Normal fault - pulling apart The hanging wall moves down - follow the dark layer. Determine (a) the actual values of the line voltage, phase voltage and reactance, Visit my website on the 1980 Mt. There may be lot of probabilities of faults to appear in the power system network, including lighting, wind, tree falling on lines, apparatus failure, etc. This document is highly rated by students and has been viewed 812 times. Readings: Reading in Fossen, Structural Geology textbook, pages 119-126, and 135-138, 151-185 Diagnosis of faults requires a logical and disciplined approach. 10. Essential items in the fault-finding toolbox, (two even better than one,) they allow you to measure both voltage and current. 5. c. Title: Earthquake notes PDF Rheology Part Two: Experimental Rock Deformation, Stress-Strain Curves (PDF - 1.3 MB) 2. The new system should be easy to solve if you … 4) Use back-substitution to find the values of the unknowns. The fault surface can be vertical, horizontal, or at some angle to the surface of the earth. 1 0 obj Strike­slip faults: right­lateral, left­lateral. 3 0 obj Sensitivity • Sensitivity refers to the minimal changes in measured parameter that the system can react to. non-fault situations • The protection system must not react to faults in neighboring zones or high load currents. 3) Write the new system, complete with variables. Bent or loosely fitted hands are common problems. Linear Equations Application Problems Notes Subject: SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard Notes Keywords: Notes,Whiteboard,Whiteboard Page,Notebook software,Notebook,PDF,SMART,SMART Technologies ULC,SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard Created Date: 3/11/2016 10:21:39 AM There are two types of vertical fault movement: normal and reverse. The symmetrical fault is sub-categorized into line-to-line-to-line fault and three-phase line-to-ground-fault. Instruct students to use their reference sheet and simulate each type of fault with the 3-D fault blocks, emphasizing the relative motions of the footwall and hanging wall. Lecture Notes Fault-Tolerance Asst. Jan 29, 2021 - Lecture 6: Fault Analysis - Notes, Engineering, Semester Notes | EduRev is made by best teachers of . The San Andreas Fault is an example of a right lateral fault. They were prepared with LATEX which automatically numbers sections and the hyperref package provides links within the pdf copy from the Table of Contents as well as other references made within the body of the text. ��e�2��;����A�(��S�c�g�g���i���=_z��"������z+`>S�K�+�Wy�z{�1h>;V�f�U�q�|����t&����M�L�(1x�|�Kz^�Ϫ���0�Ȼ�?�~�>��MIx�`6���"�'���KY��4���K�w����:m}?j�:��(^�Ч�?��ɞ�z���{�޻����c�=>t�'����F�W�ު����ݟz����>j���;�Tǩq�ZN�:�x�uJF�S�b��ϴnn:H��v�C���VC�^Eo����b�e;�d��ڃ�tJ�I>!��D) �(J�2KyI�H�UM�W��*H���[�d|��z��l�7�_R_VO� ��fP�5[_����.׌�����P�8n$w�w_���]{�"� <>>> Fault movement is always stated in relative terms. Numerical Problems in Physical Chemistry PDF. Another example. I use color and some boxes to set apart some points for convenient reference. It should also be remembered that practice is essential to learning; the student would do well to apply the techniques presented by working as many problems as possible. x��wxG�7ZU�]=�i��H��r�Bi��$@ !r�`��&8�`{1�`��5���x��������������{�����?�y,�7Uu����ԩ�j a���6"�v-�K�����P�ݫVx{n>� Reverse Fault - Here the hanging wall moves up - follow the bronze colored layer. conjugate faults Drag folds, shift. endobj Hand Problems: Let's cover some simple problems that can occur in the time train first. Continuum Mechanics and Rheology. • Fault is a defect within the system • Examples: – Software bug – Random hardware fault – Memory bit “stuck” – Omission or commission fault in data transfer <> Rheology Part One: Ideal Material Behaviors. Ask the class what relationship exists between faulting and earthquakes. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 594.96 842.04] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Also an intuitive approach can be used but must be accompanied by a deductive technique. Lecture Index: Notebook terms./ Description of idealized fault components./ Fault zone rocks and structures./ Fault recognition at map scale./ A traditional fault classification. 6. •Thrust fault: these are variety of reverse faults in which the hanging wall has moved up with respect to footwall and the fault dip at the angle below 45 degrees. , 6 and 7 the San Andreas fault is sub-categorized into line-to-line-to-line fault and three-phase line-to-ground-fault three-phase line-to-ground-fault,. Curves ( PDF - 1.3 MB ) 2 and volcanic rocks::! Observed the fault try to solve if you … 4 ) use back-substitution to find the values of the.... 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