Translation for 'to go swimming' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. Other translations. 0 users have voted. Suggest a better translation Usage Frequency: 1 ai nagé. French Swimming Vocabulary. We use cookies to enhance your experience. suivre le courant verb. If you'd like to say, I swim, you swim, etc. la natation, natation, natatoire, étourderie. Quality: Swimming trunks are "un maillot de bain" (masc.) “This photographic series is visual voyage of metamorphosis; into the Subconscious waters of the mind. Reporter Adeline Sire. Watch Teens Strip for a Swim in Retro-Horror ‘Dead of Summer’ Clip Freeform’s 1980s slasher-flick series lets its young summer-campers go for a dip before the killing starts in preview teaser French Translation of “to go swimming” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. (as sport) faire de la natation. Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: I had (then I know how to do the rest)" in French Thank you SO MUCH! Contextual translation of "i go swimming" into French. Je suis allée nager à Central Park. With hundreds of miles of beaches along both the Atlantic and Mediterranean people of all ages enjoy swimming and diving. : It's time for your swimming lesson. Last Update: 2014-02-01 I went swimming in Central Park. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. Usage Frequency: 2 swimming translate: natation, baignant, nageant (dans). À mon arrivée là-bas, je suis allé nager. All rights reserved. Tu te regardes dans le miroir.". If You Didn’t Know About These 8 Swimming Holes In Louisiana, They’re A Must Visit. Reference: Anonymous. We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 1, Usage Frequency: 2. MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. Last Update: 2012-02-14 See Also in French. You can complete the translation of I went swimming given by the English-French Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse, English-French dictionary : translate English words into French with online dictionaries. swim. Swimming is offered at the swimming pool by Hopewell Lake, from 11:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M., from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day, unless otherwise posted. Quality: Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. after that i went for a walk then had dinner.. Watch Teens Strip for a Swim in Retro-Horror ‘Dead of Summer’ Clip Freeform’s 1980s slasher-flick series lets its young summer-campers go for a dip before the killing starts in preview teaser Quality: It was great. When a group of trespassing seniors swim in a pool containing alien cocoons, they find themselves energized with youthful vigor. With Don Ameche, Wilford Brimley, Hume Cronyn, Brian Dennehy. 39x . Find more French words at! Usage Frequency: 1 France is a spectacular destination for wild swimming. With hundreds of miles of beaches along both the Atlantic and Mediterranean people of all ages enjoy swimming and diving. ©2020 Reverso-Softissimo. School being over, we went swimming in the pool. Translation for 'to go swimming' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. 3. French Translation of “swimming” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. ATTENTION: When using "faire de la danse" or "faire de la natation" (FOR EXAMPLE) rather than simply "danser" or "nager", you refer more to an organised, repeated activity - I take dance lessons / I go swimming [as a regular activity, e.g. Vous êtes ce majordome amusant avec qui je suis allée nager. I went swimming in the lake with Hiroko. went. When you click on outbound links and purchase or sign up for services, we may receive a … Last Update: 2014-07-30 feel dizzy, giddy, whirl. slip, creep, slide, sneak, squeeze. allaient nager. attending class or lessons] - than just a 'one-off' activity you're in the middle of doing such as I'm dancing / I'm swimming. Pour de plus amples recherches, j'ai besoin de votre numéro de bordereau d'envoi export. With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for I went swimming and thousands of other words. aller à la natation verb. Translation for 'to go for a swim' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. Quality: Last Update: 2015-10-13 Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2014-09-27 Je suis désolé. : Uncle Matthew, Mom offered me a million dollars to go to my swimming lesson. Is swimming past tense or present tense? Search the definition and the translation in context for “ swim ”, with examples of use extracted from real-life communication. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. Je suis allée à mon bureau de poste. You're that amusing butler I went swimming with. swim verb conjugation to all tenses, modes and persons. I'm not going to my swimming lesson. Conjugate also indicate , forget , affix , purify , acquire , shock , commute , distrust , scatter , propose Usage Frequency: 1 Usage Frequency: 1 From: Machine Translation Find more French words at! Please tell me how to say "On Saturday I went swimming with my friends for 5 hours. Events organiser Pamela Fraser, 27, went to her first naturism event 14 months ago. Je suis allé nager au lac avec Hiroko. Quality: to go swimming (in the sea, a river) aller nager; (in a swimming pool) aller à la piscine. The Basic Conjugations of Nager There are many French verb conjugations, though we'll concentrate on the most basic forms for this lesson. The Basic Conjugations of Nager There are many French verb conjugations, though we'll concentrate on the most basic forms for this lesson. after that i went for a walk then had dinner.. Usage Frequency: 1 Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2014-02-01 Is swimming past tense or present tense? The French have just gotten used to … : L'heure a sonné de ta première leçon de natation. Reference: Anonymous. To best memorize this vocabulary, make sure you link the French word to an image in your head, not to the English word! 4. Je suis allé nager à la mer. So I suppose what you want is: "Nous conductions à la plage pour faire de la natation." Usage Frequency: 1 up. Je suis désolée mais je ne peux pas attendre davantage pour faire réclamation en ligne sur E bay, le délai est limite maintenant. Swimming in french would be "nager". When I go to Esmeraldas, I love to swim in the rivers, or go to the beach to swim. swim n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (= be covered in, full of) to be swimming in sth [sauce, oil] baigner dans qch. Learn more in the Cambridge English-French Dictionary. We also talk extensively about how to live in France and about French culture. Contextual translation of "i go swimming in the sea everyday" into French. Its rivers, lakes and waterfalls are some of the cleanest in Europe and the summers are reliably warm – in the south at least. Translation English - French Collins Dictionary, Collaborative Dictionary English-French. Whether you go there for a vacation or just want to improve your French vocabulary, this list will certainly prove useful to you. in French. Usage Frequency: 1 Swimming has long been one of the most popular sports in France. I went swimming in the sea. Contextual translation of "i went swimming" into French. Here you will find a complete list of French vocabulary words covering both swimming and scuba diving. in French. "At my first event, I slung a towel over my shoulder and went down for breakfast - naked." I went swimming in the sea. Contextual translation of "me and jade went swimming" into French. Je ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé. Quality: Last Update: 2018-02-13 Many translated example sentences containing "we went swimming" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. Swimming has long been one of the most popular sports in France. She's been to … : Tonton Matthew, Maman m'a offert un million de dollars pour aller à mon cours de natation. 1 user has voted. Trying to learn how to translate from the human translation examples. The best swimming on the Côte d'Azur is not in the Mediterranean, but in turquoise pools and waterfalls in the mountains above. Quality: It was great. 'To go swimming' could be translated in several ways: “Aller à la piscine” (as someone has already said) means specifically “to go to the swimming pool”. Log in or register to post comments; 37x . Artist Neil Craver probably agrees with you, as his enchanting series “Underwater Nude Rock Quarry,” captures beautiful naked omen enjoying the water. Human translations with examples: moi : et ?, moi et ma femme, moi et mes amis, je veux rejoindre. - C’est que je suis en très bonne compagnie. To use a reflexive verb in French, you need to decide which reflexive pronoun to use. I don’t think that swimming shorts can be as troublesome as long hair (or hairs) in a pool, but no-one seems to mind about that. I do think that it’s time that the French abandoned this unconvincing argument about ‘hygiene’. Il n'y a pas de colis en instance pour moi. Swimming at French Creek State Park. 7:30 PM EDT. Le … You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English-French translations from our dictionary. Here you will find a complete list of French vocabulary words covering both swimming and scuba diving. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2018-02-13 Je suis allé dans ma chambre pour défaire mes valises. Learn more about FrenchCrazy on our about page.. Disclaimer: FrenchCrazy Media LLC is an affiliate with some of the products and companies displayed on this website. Partout où j'allais, les gens étaient méfiants. J'y allai et je trouvai tout le monde réuni dans la salle à manger pour le souper, ainsi que me l'avait annoncé M. Rochester. 2. : It's time for your new swimming lesson. The steak was swimming in thick sauce. Human translations with examples: i came, j'allez, j' irai, je étais, j'y allai, je suis allé, j' adjugeais. Directed by Ron Howard. avoir le vertige verb. Usage Frequency: 1 Je suis allé dans ma chambre pour défaire mes bagages. nager verb. Qui sait pourquoi je suis allé nager. Last Update: 2010-06-28 There are some amazing places to go for a swim or a … (instance of swimming) to go for a swim, have a swim : se baigner⇒ v pron verbe pronominal: verbe qui s'utilise avec le pronom réfléchi "se", qui s'accorde avec le sujet. Je suis allé nager au lac avec Hiroko. Je suis allé nager à la mer. Elora residents went to the nearby swimming gorge and Keremeos residents made use of the local pool. I went swimming once at this quarry, Je suis allé nager une fois à cette carrière, One time I went swimming in, like, the neighbor's pool when they had just shocked it with chlorine. When you want to change it to the present, past, or future tense, you will need to know how to conjugate it and a quick lesson will show you how that's done. both- because you can say i am swimming and i just went swimming swimming pool translate: piscine. up. Nager is the French verb that means "to swim." features articles on how to learn French. Log in or register to post comments; 0x TR790 27 May, 2020 - 17:49. swimming translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'swimming baths',swimming cap',swimming gala',swimming pool', examples, definition, conjugation Quality: 2 Forming the present tense of reflexive verbs. Swimming trunks are "un maillot de bain" (masc.) The pool is near the shore of the lake and provides a beautiful setting for swimmers and sunbathers. Les résidents des centres de Portage à Beaconsfield et au lac Écho se sont rendus aux glissades d'eau pour se rafraîchir pendant les journées de canicule, tandis que les résidents du French words for swim include nager, nage, bain, natation, baignade, se baigner, faire de la natation, se glisser, aller à la natation and avoir le vertige. French Swimming Vocabulary. I had (then I know how to do the rest)" in French Thank you SO MUCH! Quality: Please tell me how to say "On Saturday I went swimming with my friends for 5 hours. Quality: Last Update: 2015-01-10 A fee is charged for pool use. Quand j'étais petit, un jour, je suis allé nager. Of course, I love swimming but I don't have time for swimming these days. Human translations with examples: je, j'va, j' ai, j'alle, je vais, j' attente, je fréquente, je vais nager. Reference: Anonymous. It is fun. est allé. Louisiana is so beautiful, but as the summer months get closer, it’s so important that we find places to cool off. Cordialement. The forms shown in brackets in the table are used before a word starting with a vowel, most words starting with h, or the French word y. Melissa Faithful for Art-Sheep. French words for swimming include natation, natatoire, étourderie, nagez, de la natation, à la nage, nagé, nageant, baignades and nageaient. Learn more in the Cambridge English-French Dictionary. Can you think of anything better than the feeling of the cold sea water on your body, on a hot summer day? Reference: Anonymous. Human translations with examples: en mer, bains de mer, je vais nager, je vais natation. Ex : se regarder: "Je me regarde dans le miroir. Daniel Start chooses … (= spin) [head, room] tourner. : Je n'y vais pas à mon cours de natation. These include the ways that you can say "I am swimming," "we swam," and "they will swim" in French. Comme l'école était terminée, nous sommes allés nager à la piscine. both- because you can say i am swimming and i just went swimming It has put us off French campsites, and we go to the river now to swim. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. swimming adjective, noun. “Faire de la natation” to do swimming “Nager” to swim “Se Baigner” to bathe . I went swimming in the lake with Hiroko. Reference: MatteoT, Last Update: 2019-10-11 Once, when I was a boy, I went swimming. , enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories us off campsites! Faire de la natation ” to bathe think of anything better than the feeling the.: en mer, bains de mer, je suis allé dans ma pour! Majordome amusant avec qui je suis allé nager, when I go to nearby. Web pages and freely available translation repositories limite maintenant pages and freely available translation.! 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